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Releases: paoloricciuti/sveltekit-search-params

Fix some problem when using the store after accessing the query params on the server

23 Jan 17:37
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In 1.0 there were 2 for the actual update of the url and one just to add the history entry. Apparently this was messing things up when the url object was accessed in the server 🤷

Add store options to debounce the history or to disable completely

13 Jan 11:43
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Add the ability to pass a store options object to debounce the history or to disable completely. This object might contain other options in the future.


<script lang="ts">
    import { ssp, queryParameters, queryParam } from "sveltekit-search-params";
    const name = queryParam("name", ssp.string(), {
        debounceHistory: 500, //a new history entry will be created after 500ms of this store not changing
    const count = queryParam("count", ssp.number(), {
        debounceHistory: 1500, //a new history entry will be created after 1500ms of this store not changing
    const store = queryParameters({
        username: true,
        isCool: ssp.boolean(true),
    }, {
        pushHistory: false, //no new history entries for this store

Add the updater for the store

09 Jan 19:32
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Before the version the updater for the store updated the state of the store without it reflecting it in the URL.

This release fixes this.

Update peer dependencies + use a local slimmed down version of lz-string to avoid conflicts with pnpm

09 Jan 09:28
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Given that the npm package lz-string doesn't use ESM modules it was creating a bunch of problems with pnpm specifically (it randomly broke from time to time).

So, given the quite permissive licence on lz-string i've decided to take the code, remove every unused export, update the peer dependencies (both for sveltekit 1.0 and to remove lz-string) and use a slimmed down local version of lz-string with the correct ESM exports.

This should hopefully fix the problem with pnpm once and for all without affecting npm.

Patching again to hopefully publish the correct files on npm

11 Dec 15:19
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Publishing from package folder (maybe 🤞 )

Patching to hopefully fix a pnpm issue

11 Dec 14:58
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fix workflow maybe