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Wishlist: make get_dummies() usable for train / test framework #8918

chrish42 opened this issue Nov 28, 2014 · 21 comments

Wishlist: make get_dummies() usable for train / test framework #8918

chrish42 opened this issue Nov 28, 2014 · 21 comments
Categorical Categorical Data Type Reshaping Concat, Merge/Join, Stack/Unstack, Explode Usage Question


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Having get_dummies() in Pandas is really nice, but to be useful for machine learning, it would need to be usable in a train / test framework (or "fit_transform" and "transform", with the sklearn terminology). Let me know if this needs more explanations.

So, I guess this is a wishlist bug report to add that functionality to Pandas. I can even create a pull request, if people agree this would be something useful to have in Pandas (and are willing to coach a bit and do code review for what would be my first contribution to this project).

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jreback commented Nov 28, 2014

well how about a pseudo code example with inputs and outputs from a sample frame would be useful

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@chrish42, an example would be great.

FYI scikit-learn has the OneHotEncoder class which fits into their pipeline.

Something like this should work?

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.pipeline import TransformerMixin

class DummyEncoder(TransformerMixin):

    def __init__(self, columns=None):

        self.columns = columns

    def transform(self, X, y=None, **kwargs):

        return pd.get_dummies(X, columns=self.columns)

    def fit(self, X, y=None, **kwargs):

        return self


In [15]: df
   A  B  C
0  1  a  a
1  2  b  a

In [16]: DummyEncoder().transform(df)
   A  B_a  B_b  C_a
0  1    1    0    1
1  2    0    1    1

Be careful with the ordering of the columns.

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chrish42 commented Jan 6, 2015

@TomAugspurger, actually the compatibility with the sklearn processing pipeline itself is not the part that interests me. What I would like is the ability to save the transformation done by get_dummes() to a dataset, and then apply said transformation as is (creating the exact same columns), even if the second dataset has a subset of the values of the first one in some column, etc. That's actually what I meant by "usable in a train/test framework". Is this explanation clearer? (I can add an example someone thinks that's still needed.)

I'm aware of the OneHotEncoder class in sklearn, but it has other limitations.

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davidbp commented Oct 5, 2015

I stumbled upton the same problem as @chrish42 and I found get_dummies giving me some headache.

Example of the limitations of the current get dummies

Let us assume we work with data from the following df_train DataFrame

df_train = pandas.DataFrame({"car":["seat","bmw"], "color":["red","green"]})
pandas.get_dummies(df_train )

   car_bmw  car_seat  color_green  color_red
0        0         1            0          1
1        1         0            1          0

Then we are provided with

df_test = pandas.DataFrame({"car":["seat","mercedes"], "color":["red","green"]})
pandas.get_dummies(df_test )

         car_mercedes  car_seat  color_green  color_red
0             0         1            0          1
1             1         0            1          0

Since I have never observed a "mercedes" value for variable "car" in df_train I would like to be able to get the following one hot encoding:

           car_bmw  car_seat  color_green  color_red
0             0         1            0          1
1             0         0            1          0

Where the column car_mercedes actually never appears.

This could be solved by allowing get_dummies to receive an input dictionary stating the accepted values that we allow for each column.

Returning to the previous example, we could give as input to get_dummies the following dict of sets

accepted_values_per_column = {'car': {'bmw', 'seat'}, 'color': {'green', 'red'}}

and we would expect get_dummies to return

get_dummies(df_test, accepted_values_per_column = accepted_values_per_column) 

           car_bmw  car_seat  color_green  color_red
0             0         1            0          1
1             0         0            1          0

and expect get_dummies(df_test) to return what already returns.

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jreback commented Oct 5, 2015

You simply need make your variables Categorical if you want to specified possibly unobserved variables. This can be done at creation time or afterwards, see the docs

In [5]: df_train = pd.DataFrame({"car":Series(["seat","bmw"]).astype('category',categories=['seat','bmw','mercedes']),"color":["red","green"]})

In [6]: df_train
    car  color
0  seat    red
1   bmw  green

In [7]: pd.get_dummies(df_train )
   car_seat  car_bmw  car_mercedes  color_green  color_red
0         1        0             0            0          1
1         0        1             0            1          0

The original question is not well specified, so closing.

@jreback jreback closed this as completed Oct 5, 2015
@jreback jreback added Reshaping Concat, Merge/Join, Stack/Unstack, Explode Categorical Categorical Data Type Usage Question labels Oct 5, 2015
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And when you're going the other way, from the encoding to back to Categorical you'll use Categorical.from_codes.

One more bit of unsolicited advice. If you care at all about accurate estimates of the coefficients on the categoricals, drop one of the encoded columns or else you'll have multicolinearity with the intercept (if you have one).

On Oct 5, 2015, at 05:34, Jeff Reback wrote:

You simply need make your variables Categorical if you want to specified possibly unobserved variables. This can be done at creation time or afterwards, see the docs

In [5]: df_train = pd.DataFrame({"car":Series(["seat","bmw"]).astype('category',categories=['seat','bmw','mercedes']),"color":["red","green"]})

In [6]: df_train
car color
0 seat red
1 bmw green

In [7]: pd.get_dummies(df_train )
car_seat car_bmw car_mercedes color_green color_red
0 1 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 0 1 0
The original question is not well specified, so closing.

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aileronajay commented Jan 13, 2017

@TomAugspurger @jreback I think i have run into the same problem lately and i would like to state an example

train_a = pd.DataFrame({"IsBadBuy":[0,1,0], "Make":['Toyota', 'Mazda','BMW']})

IsBadBuy Make_BMW Make_Mazda Make_Toyota
0 0 0 0 1
1 1 0 1 0
2 0 1 0 0

test_a = pd.DataFrame({"Make":['Toyota','BMW']})
print pd.get_dummies(test_a,columns=['Make'])

Make_BMW Make_Toyota
0 0 1
1 1 0

Here ideally the Make_Mazda column should be preserved as the ML algorithm would expect the same number of features and the values that we get in the test will be a subset of that in train.

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TomAugspurger commented Jan 13, 2017 via email

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Thanks @TomAugspurger

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brifordwylie commented May 10, 2017

The PyData Chicago 2016 talk given by @TomAugspurger was really well done. He did a fantastic job of illustrating all the reasons why this issue/request should not be closed. IMHO either his class DummyEncoder or some reasonable equivalent should be included in Pandas proper. Yes I can go to his github and copy/emulate his class but it would be much nicer to just have it supported within the library.

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TomAugspurger commented May 11, 2017 via email

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joeddav commented Oct 17, 2017

Here's a little solution some of us worked on that may be helpful for some here. Dummy variables with fit/transform capabilities.

Feedback and contributions would be helpful!

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Aylr commented Nov 1, 2017

This appears related to #14017

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yashu-seth commented Dec 14, 2017

I have created a solution that may be helpful exactly in this problem. One Hot Encoding categorical variable in a train test framework. It can also handle cases when the dataset is too large to fit in the machine memory.

You can also find a small tutorial on this here.

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md733406 commented Jan 11, 2018

@TomAugspurger This Code doesn't work. When I go to transform my production single record data it only gives me the one hot encoded column for the single value that is present.
What am I missing?

import pyodbc
import pickle
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.pipeline import TransformerMixin
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline

class DummyEncoder(TransformerMixin):
def fit(self, X, y=None):
self.index_ = X.index
self.columns_ = X.columns
self.cat_columns_ = X.select_dtypes(include=['category']).columns
self.non_cat_columns_ = X.columns.drop(self.cat_columns_)

    self.cat_map_ = {col: X[col].cat for col in self.cat_columns_}
    left = len(self.non_cat_columns_)
    self.cat_blocks_ = {}
    for col in self.cat_columns_:
        right = left + len(X[col].cat.categories)
        self.cat_blocks_[col], left = slice(left, right), right
    return self

def transform(self, X, y=None):
    return np.asarray(pd.get_dummies(X))

def inverse_transform(self, X):
    non_cat = pd.DataFrame(X[:, :len(self.non_Cat_columns_)],
    cats = []
    for col, cat in self.cat_map_.items():
        slice_ = self.cat_blocks_[col]
        codes = X[:, slice_].argmax(1)
        series = pd.Series(pd.Categorical.from_codes(
                codes, cat.categories, ordered=cat.ordered
        ), name=col)
    df = pd.concat([non_cat] + cats, axis=1)[self.columns_]
    return df

#import data from SQL to pandas Dataframe
cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER={XXXXX};DATABASE={ML_Learn_Taxi};UID={XXXX};PWD={XXXX}')
sql ="""
SELECT top 1 CONVERT(int, [order_key]) order_key
,CONVERT(int, [service_date_key]) service_date_key
,1 as 'return_flag'
FROM [ML_Return_Customer].[dbo].[return_customers_test_set]
WHERE [order_source_desc]='Online'
SELECT top 2 CONVERT(int, [order_key])
,CONVERT( int, [service_date_key])
FROM [ML_Return_Customer].[dbo].[return_customers_test_set]
WHERE [order_source_desc]='Inbound Call'
SELECT top 1 CONVERT(int, [order_key])
,CONVERT(int, [service_date_key])
FROM [ML_Return_Customer].[dbo].[return_customers_test_set]
WHERE [order_source_desc]='Outbound Call'

prod_sql ="""
SELECT top 1 CONVERT(int, [order_key]) order_key
,CONVERT(int, [service_date_key]) service_date_key
,1 as 'return_flag'
FROM [ML_Return_Customer].[dbo].[return_customers_test_set]
WHERE [order_source_desc]='Online'

InputDataSet = pd.read_sql(sql, cnxn)
ProdDataSet = pd.read_sql(prod_sql, cnxn)

print("*************** Data ******************")

print("******** Category Columns Info ***********")
columns = ['order_source_desc']
InputDataSet[columns] = InputDataSet[columns].apply(lambda x: x.astype('category'))

print("******** Linear Regression ***********")

X = InputDataSet.drop('return_flag', axis=1)
y = InputDataSet['return_flag']

A = ProdDataSet.drop('return_flag', axis=1)
B = ProdDataSet['return_flag']

enc = DummyEncoder()
#rain = enc.transform(X)
Prod = enc.transform(A)


OUTPUT: *************** Data ******************
order_key service_date_key order_source_desc return_flag
0 10087937 20151214 Online 1
1 10088174 20151201 Inbound Call 2
2 10088553 20151217 Inbound Call 2
3 663478 20160806 Outbound Call 1
******** Category Columns Info ***********
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 4 entries, 0 to 3
Data columns (total 4 columns):
order_key 4 non-null int64
service_date_key 4 non-null int64
order_source_desc 4 non-null category
return_flag 4 non-null int64
dtypes: category(1), int64(3)
memory usage: 284.0 bytes
******** Linear Regression ***********
[[10087937 20151214 1]]

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mitar commented Apr 8, 2019

So I think this thread is a bit messy, so I will try to summarize a simple solution here and how this is already possible. I will demonstrate on one column, but you can generalize it to many.

So in "fit" call you just do:

categories = sorted(training_data.iloc[:, column_index].value_counts(dropna=True).index)

You store categories into the state you are learning during fitting.

And then in "transform" you do:

from pandas.api import types as pandas_types

categorical_data = testing_data.iloc[:, [column_index]].astype(
one_hot_encoded = pandas.get_dummies(categorical_data)

And it will do one-hot encoding always in the same mapping for values. If some categorical value was not present during training, it will be seen as NaN during testing. If some value is not seen during testing, no column will be set for it.

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chrish42 commented Apr 8, 2019

That's very nice. I just wish everyone who wants to do this didn't have to discover it anew. ;-)

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The approach suggested by @mitar is a nice, short example. For a longer exploration of this issue here's a notebook that might be useful/helpful:

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shubhparekh commented Aug 18, 2019

Saw below code in exercise of Kaggle XGBoost tutorial. This does the trick.

X_train = pd.get_dummies(X_train)
X_valid = pd.get_dummies(X_valid)
X_test = pd.get_dummies(X_test)
X_train, X_valid = X_train.align(X_valid, join='left', axis=1)
X_train, X_test = X_train.align(X_test, join='left', axis=1)

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asanoop24 commented Aug 3, 2020

I have also faced the same issue multiple times. I have written a class (taking ideas from this discussion) below that made things easier for me.

import pandas
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder

class CategoryEncoder:
    labelEncoding : boolean -> True If the categorical columns are to be label encoded
    oneHotEncoding : boolean -> True If the categorical columns are to be one hot encoded (using pandas.get_dummies method)
    dropFirst : boolean -> True if first column is to be dropped (usually to avoid multi-collinearity) post one hot encoding
                           Doesn't matter if oneHotEncoding = False

    df : pandas.DataFrame() -> dataframe object that needs to be encoded
    catCols : list -> list of the categorical columns that need to be encoded
    def __init__(self,labelEncoding=True,oneHotEncoding=False,dropFirst=False):
        self.labelEncoding = labelEncoding
        self.oneHotEncoding = oneHotEncoding
        self.dropFirst = dropFirst
        self.labelEncoder = {}
        self.oneHotEncoder = {}
    def fit(self,df,catCols=[]):
        df1 = df.copy()
        if self.labelEncoding:
            for col in catCols:
                labelEncoder = LabelEncoder()
                df1.loc[:,col] = labelEncoder.transform(df1.loc[:,col])
                self.labelEncoder[col] = labelEncoder.classes_
        if self.oneHotEncoding:
            for col in catCols:
                cats = sorted(df1.loc[:,col].value_counts(dropna=True).index)
                self.oneHotEncoder[col] = cats
    def transform(self,df,catCols=[]):
        df1 = df.copy()
        if self.labelEncoding:
            for col in catCols:
                labelEncoder = self.labelEncoder[col]
                labelEncoder = {v:i for i,v in enumerate(labelEncoder.tolist())}
                df1.loc[:,col] = df1.loc[:,col].map(labelEncoder)
        if self.oneHotEncoding:
            for col in catCols:
                oneHotEncoder = self.oneHotEncoder[col]
                df1.loc[:,col] = df1.loc[:,col].astype(pandas.CategoricalDtype(categories=oneHotEncoder))
            df1 = pandas.get_dummies(df1,columns=catCols,drop_first=self.dropFirst)
        return df1

Easy to initiate and use an instance of the encoder as well.

enc1 = CategoryEncoder(True,False)     # Will label encode but not one-hot encode
enc2 = CategoryEncoder(False,True,True)     # Will one-hot encode but not label encode
enc3 = CategoryEncoder(True,True,True)     # Will label encode first and then one-hot encode

# List of categorical columns you want to encode
categorical_columns = ['col_1', 'col_2'], categorical_columns)
enc1.transform(test_df, categorical_columns) # Returns the dataframe encoded columns

NOTE: This will not take care of any exceptions e.g. passing the column names that are not available in the dataframe

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Categorical Categorical Data Type Reshaping Concat, Merge/Join, Stack/Unstack, Explode Usage Question
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