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Releases: palantir/blueprint


27 Jan 23:50
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🎆 Highlights: Sketch files, full Table loading, better button box-shadows, uncolored icons

📖 Latest docs:


  • 🌟 NEW Sketch files! #417
  • Upgrade Blueprint is now compiled with TypeScript 2.1.5 #492
    • This change should be transparent to consumers, except:
    • 📦 Each package has a new dependency on tslib due to use of new --importHelpers flag
  • 🔨 Fixed The build now lints all TypeScript files equally #549
  • 🔨 Fixed preview comments for forks! (🎩 @invliD) #498

@blueprintjs/core 1.7.0

  • NEW UI Icons! endorsed, full stacked chart, grouped bar chart, horizontal bar chart ascending, vertical bar chart ascending

    image image image image image

  • NEW <EditableText confirmOnEnterKey multiline /> swaps confirm/newline entry keys #20

  • NEW .pt-select now supports .pt-minimal modifier #501

  • NEW support for Spinner in InputGroup #488


  • 🌟 Fixed Remove color rule from icon classes #437

  • Fixed AnchorButton expects HTMLAnchorElement props #539

  • Fixed Button onClick no longer called twice via enter #518

  • Fixed Checkbox warning about indeterminate prop #529

  • Fixed EditableText will not fire events if value has not changed #483

  • Fixed Tabs onChange is no longer called twice when controlled #520

  • Fixed Added type attribute to Tag remove button (🎩 @devjunkORG) #550

  • Fixed Toaster with autofocus now correctly focuses new toasts #469

  • Changed Classes dictionary is now much more complete thanks to 🎩 @samirbr #526

  • 🌟 Changed button styles to use only box-shadow without border #233, #537
    See #537 (comment) for reasoning behind this change. Suffice to say it resolves a whole host of visual issues across the core components.


@blueprintjs/datetime 1.6.0

  • Fixed DateInput calls onChange with null when empty #504
  • Fixed Export IDateInputProps from package #543

@blueprintjs/table 1.4.0

⚠️ This package's main files were accidentally moved so imports will not work correctly. We will publish a patch release on Monday.

  • 🌟 NEW Header cells support loading prop (🎩 @michael-yx-wu) #452
  • 🌟 NEW Table and Column loadingOptions (🎩 @michael-yx-wu) #473
  • NEW docs and example for formatted cell components #228
  • Fixed Show ghost cells with 0 columns or rows (🎩 @michael-yx-wu) #535
  • Fixed renderCell() className is passed correctly #562


  • NEW TypeScript section on Overview page explains the language to newcomers #464, #491


13 Jan 23:35
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🎆 Highlights: external sourcemaps, loading table cells, loading buttons, keyboard-clickable buttons

📖 Latest docs:


  • 🌟 Fixed externalized source maps their own files, to reduce bundle size #112
  • Fixed "file.ts is not in the SourceMap" errors #449
  • Fixed set NODE_ENV in build task so external contributors don't have to set the environment variable manually on CircleCI #451

@blueprintjs/core 1.6.0

  • 🌟 NEW: Button and AnchorButton loading prop replaces content with a Spinner and preserves original button width (:tophat: @greglo) #198

    screen recording google chrome

  • 🌟 NEW: Button and AnchorButton both support enter and space for keyboard clicking #430

    • a comprehensive study of browser behavior led us to the following semantics:
      • enter clicks the button on key down
      • space clicks the button on key up (and shows a sweet active state while held)
  • NEW: .pt-label, .pt-control, .pt-control-group, and .pt-select now support the .pt-disabled modifier #402, #448


  • Fixed .pt-progress-bar uses same colors as .pt-spinner (building off last week's #369) #440

@blueprintjs/datetime 1.5.0

  • NEW upgraded to latest version of react-day-picker v3.1 to fix getFirstDayOfWeek #465
  • NEW TimePicker selectAllOnFocus prop selects all the text in each input when focused (default false) #383
  • NEW export Months enum (English-named values for 0-indexed months) #439
  • Fixed DateRangePicker clones initialValue so the month appears correctly #429
  • Fixed DateRangePicker next month logic for December #431
  • Fixed DateTimePicker selected date can be cleared (by clicking it again) #466
  • Fixed TimePicker focus box-shadow #447
  • Fixed use textContent instead of innerHTML when measuring text to prevent potential XSS (:tophat: @winstonhowessc) #457

@blueprintjs/table 1.3.0

  • 🌟 NEW Cell loading prop gives fine-grained control over loading state #435
  • Fixed Table no longer eats all click events so you can click to move cursor in editable cells #291
  • Changed Greatly reduced total number of DOM event listeners by moving selection interaction component higher in the render tree #291


  • Fixed HTML markup and JS code blocks now have the same font-size #412
  • Fixed Dialog CSS examples scroll under the navbar #450


06 Jan 23:22
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🎆 Highlights: docs syntax highlighting, new loading Skeleton component, fixed Toast stacking

📖 Latest docs:

@blueprintjs/core 1.5.0

  • 🌟 NEW: CSS API for loading Skeleton component! #338
  • 🌟 Fixed Toast stacking when using Toaster.create() #367
  • Fixed Collapse component transition handles back-to-back isOpen toggles #217
  • Fixed Menu divider title descenders being cut off #374
  • Fixed disabled MenuItem now prevents submenu and link interaction #398
  • Fixed add disabled to IControlProps so it appears in props table #396
  • Changed many more !default Sass variables, including all the colors #123, #377, #399
  • Changed tweaked colors of dark Spinner #369

@blueprintjs/datetime 1.4.1

  • Fixed DatePickerCaption will display out-of-bounds year as a disabled option #391

@blueprintjs/table 1.2.1

  • Added tsconfig.json to examples/ directory for editor integration #407


  • 🌟 NEW syntax highlighting for all code samples!! #98
  • Fixed more complete installation and usage instructions #190, #201


  • Fixed Stricter Sass linting #411
    • this is an internal refactor with no effect on any APIs


16 Dec 22:46
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🎄 It's Christmas! The Blueprint team will be on vacation for the next two weeks. We'll return with a 1.5.0 release in early January. Happy holidays! 🎅

🎆 Highlights: Support for server-side/isomorphic rendering

📖 Latest docs:

@blueprintjs/core 1.4.0

  • 🌟 NEW Support for server-side/isomorphic rendering #360 (courtesy of @codebling)
  • Fixed Add @types/tether and @types/dom4 dependencies to make TS consumption easier #360 #368
  • Fixed HotkeysDialog is no longer inline #359

@blueprintjs/datetime 1.4.0

  • Fixed DateInput doesn't produce an error when its value is deleted #373 (courtesy of @AlexMarvelo)


10 Dec 00:56
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@blueprintjs/core 1.3.1

  • Fixed removed !default statements from variables.less and variables.scss


09 Dec 23:55
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🎆 Highlights: restored live reload, added !default for Sass variables, no more Popover scrolling.

📖 Latest docs:


  • 🌟 Fixed Restored live reload for changes to Sass files #234
  • Changed Use TSLint 4.0 for JS files too (and remove ESLint) #334

@blueprintjs/core 1.3.0

  • 🌟 NEW Add !default to all Sass variable declarations so they can be easily customized #194 (thanks @dmackerman 🎩 )
  • 🌟 Fixed Popover and Tooltip no longer scroll the page when opening #231 #240
    • last release's move to position: fixed #183 exposed an issue where Tether will move the element in the DOM, thereby making React very angry and generally breaking everything.
    • dependency on Tether has been updated to 1.4.0 to take advantage of new bodyElement option.
  • Fixed Allow changing Button type and AnchorButton role #242
  • Fixed More careful setTimeout management resolves a bunch of potential errors if components are unmounted while timers are still running #275
  • Fixed Popover only invokes onClose when becoming disabled #321
  • Fixed Resolved "cannot find module" errors in core examples #332
  • Changed Moved the FocusStyleManager to its own file so it can be imported independently #308

@blueprintjs/datetime 1.3.0

  • Fixed Fix DateRangePicker behavior when viewing the last month of the permitted range #289
  • Fixed DateInput is now compatible with moment-timezone #297 (thanks @mfedderly 🎩 )
  • Fixed Fix possibly mis-measured text width in DatePicker#316
  • Fixed Better handling of edge cases in DateInput data #322 #340


  • Improved Add Facebook Open Graph tags for better social sharing #333 #104


02 Dec 23:49
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🎆 Highlights: mobile support for sliders, new icons, new props for controlling table selections, and tons of bug fixes

📖 Latest docs:

@blueprintjs/core 1.2.0

  • NEW! Support for touch events in Slider (courtesy of @martynovs)
  • NEW! 4 new UI icons: tab key, regression chart, translate, eye on
  • Fixed Overlay uses position: fixed now (instead of absolute) so backdrop and content will never move with page scrolling (unless rendered inline) #183
    • this change may cause layout issues in your app; let us know if you're having trouble.
  • Fixed Hotkey dialog has proper "leave" animation #221
  • Fixed Horizontal Tabs can now be nested inside vertical Tabs #222
    • this fix required changing a "descendant" selector to a > "child" selector, so the Tabs CSS API now requires that .pt-tab-list be a direct child of .pt-tabs
  • Fixed Input group buttons remain stationary and visible when composed within control groups #236, #237

@blueprintjs/datetime 1.2.0

  • Fixed DateRange typings allow undefined values, which more accurately reflects usage #274
  • Fixed moment-timezone and DateInput are now compatible #280

@blueprintjs/table 1.2.0

  • NEW! Props for controlling selections, including the ability to transform selection regions #253
  • NEW! Export draggable components #251
  • Improved More consistent truncated cell visuals and interactions #232
  • Fixed Removed min-width from editable components #285
  • Fixed Cells merge style prop instead of overriding #256


  • Fixed Slider popover example is no longer squished #200
  • Fixed Table examples have proper height #203
  • Fixed Icon files can be downloaded again #268


23 Nov 20:09
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🎆 Highlights: BSD License, @import "~package" support, mobile-friendlier docs, so many bug fixes

📖 Latest docs:


  • _IMPORTANT_: Changed license to BSD-3 with clause to clarify patents (similar to Palantir’s AtlasDB open source project) #209, #225
  • ⭐ Sass files support @import "~package" syntax a la Webpack's sass-loader for node_modules resolution! #123, #211
  • clean up a number of package dependencies so they're more accurate #227

@blueprintjs/core 1.1.0

  • See general notes above
  • Improved added more constants to Classes: INLINE, FILL, LABEL, SELECT #134
  • Fixed Hotkey Dialog now appears only once with all hotkeys #142
  • Fixed hotkeys can be triggered on checkbox and radio inputs #145
  • Fixed readability of links in intent'ed Toasts #172
  • Fixed Portals no longer add additional space at the bottom of the page #147
  • Fixed text color of dark select dropdowns on Windows #138
  • Removed company-affiliated icons #208
    • if you relied on these icons, they can be found easily in other open-source fonts.

@blueprintjs/datetime 1.1.0

  • See general notes above
  • Fixed text color of dark month/year dropdowns on Windows #138

@blueprintjs/table 1.1.0

  • See general notes above


  • Improved basic mobile support! not perfect but at least usable. #105, #128
  • Improved refactored docs layout for better usability. PageUp/Down work as expected! #149, #89, #122
  • Fixed favicons on landing and docs pages #92
  • Fixed intent dropdowns update correctly #154
  • Fixed removed version selector as there's only going to be one for some time #129
  • Changed click the docs logo to jump to the Overview page #93


11 Nov 22:09
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  • Add description field to each package.json for better display on


11 Nov 21:39
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🎆 Highlights: Blueprint is now open source!

📖 Latest docs:


  • TypeScript 2.0 is required for development and for consumption
    • typings are no longer compatible with 1.x due to use of undefined
  • Node 6+ is required for development
  • the versions of the NPM packages in this repository have been reset to 1.0.0
    • they are effectively new libraries now, with a new naming scheme and a new internal structure
  • the contents of the NPM packages have been reorganized:
    • now includes full source code in src/
    • now includes usage examples from the docs in examples/
    • compiled assets and resources now live in the dist/ folder
      • main entries in package.json reference files in this directory now, so you might not even notice this change.
      • but if you were importing specific files then you'll need to update your paths like so:

@blueprintjs/core 1.0.0

  • New Icon pt-icon-numeral #51
  • Improved Slider to use grab cursor #43
  • Improved Toast default timeout to 5s from 3s #50
  • Improved contrast for intent text colors #38
  • Fixed EditableText cursor jumping when editing inside a Dialog #15
  • Fixed Slider disabled styles #25
  • Fixed Tabs controlled mode so indicator matches selected index #32, #47
  • Fixed Tabs incorrectly reset selected tab index when uncontrolled #40
  • Deleted Callout .pt-large modifier; now there's only one size #37
  • Rejiggered:
    • icon font files have moved up one level to resources/icons/
    • added icons.json to that directory which lists all icons
    • move interactionMode.ts into common/

@blueprintjs/datetime 1.0.0

  • no functional changes since last internal release, just the general notes above

@blueprintjs/table 1.0.0

  • New: this library now lives here!
  • Improved: consider table header content when auto-resizing columns #61
  • Fixed: Clipboard copies both table cells and text content for context-aware paste #70


  • Improved search filtering by switching to fuzzaldrin-plus which provides much more accurate results #68
  • Improved consistent sentence casing throughout docs
  • Fixed retina screens clipping input box-shadows
  • Changed to Sass variable syntax for consistency with source code #22