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License: Artistic-2.0 rpmjk -> DH


Jupyter workbook examples for raku Physics::Measure

A set of SI, Imperial and US Unit classes that are employed as Measure objects having value, units and error that can act as operands in most calculations. Some prefix and physical constants included where needed.

Docker Instructions

To use on Docker:

  • docker run -it --platform linux/amd64 -p 8888:8888 librasteve/rakudo:rpmjk-amd64
  • jupyter-notebook --port=8888 --no-browser --allow-root

running on root is NOT RECOMMENDED, this is NOT SUITABLE for public facing servers

copy config to ~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.json to disable password (also very insecure)

go jupyter notebook --generate-config, then c.NotebookApp.quit_button = False to disable Quit button

detach gracefully with Ctrl-P, Ctrl-Q if you want the server to outlive your terminal

on Apple M-series silicon, Docker Desktop will run it on rosetta (settings)

Installation Instructions

To install on your local machine:

  • zef install --verbose
  • do the Quick Start here Brian Duggan perl6 jupyter-notebook at
  • git clone this repo on your machine and cd raku-Physics-Measure-Jupyter into the new dir
  • command line jupyter-notebook - this will open a jupyter-notebook session in your browser
  • in the browser, go to /eg and click Synopsis.ipynb, then Run each cell - explore & enjoy!

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