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Xiehua xh125
Surface hopping methods in materials

USTC China

Oscar Ruiz RUCO13
PhD in Photonics, working in experimental Solid State Physics and computational physics.
Rohith Srinivaas M rohithsrinivaas
Graduate Student Researcher @ UC Berkeley, Ex-Data Scientist. B.Tech & M.Tech, IIT Madras.

Berkeley Lab Berkeley, California, United States

Dr. JENA nityasagarjena
~|Material Science Researcher/~ /Email: ^Google Scholar Link^:

Scientific Computing for Material Properties Europe

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Zheng Ran ranzhengcode
The avatar was released by gorkhs on pixabay

Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin


Tsinghua University; MPSD Beijing; Germany

sampad mandal ........................সম্পদ মণ্ডল sampad95
Ph.D. research fellow

Department of Chemistry, Visva-Bharati India

Jamal Mustafa jimustafa
Physicist and optoelectronic device design engineer.
