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• 《 MΞGA⋅bγte 》 • mb-mega-byte-mb
Hi. I'm not really the Wizard from my profile picture.
Firas Djebby djebby
Computers are incredibly fast, accurate, and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate, and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination.


sequilox sequilox
We are an owner-managed IT consultancy that helps companies to implement artificial intelligence, data science and machine learning solutions.
Sleyter Monteiro sleyter-monteiro
Étudiant en Cybersécurité


Mehver | 这水怎么没味儿啊 Mehver
Studying CSE at Michigan State University, project-based learner.

Michigan State University Michigan, USA / Shenzhen, China

Culture.Support CultureSupport
Projects For Anomaly

Culture.Support Culture.Support

Jean Ferreira dos Santos jeanfsantos83
Sou apaixonado por tecnologia, programação e cada dia aprendendo as novas tendências para evoluir meu conhecimento.

MEI - Adm - Gestor Tráfego Salvador-BA

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


PhD student / Research fellow in theoretical physics


黒雪二ア KuroyukiNear
Death is beautiful.


beren elcin polat berenpolat
Hi, im a tech passionist also a software eng. student. 👍🏿
nette nyette
Maks git-maks
Business | AI | ML | Data Science


Hans Hans-9876

Czech Republic

Grzegorz Wierzowiecki gwpl

Europe - usually: Zürich, Warsaw or Berlin

Kunt Sarpyalçın kuntsarpyalcin
Hello! I am a marketing research specialist. My future goal is to be a marketing/data analyst.

VEO International Sofia, Bulgaria

Raghu S raghu-007
Startup Founder & Software Engineer | Open Source & Tech Entrepreneur.

Remote Bengaluru

Kadircan Ersahin kadircanersahin
Phone user, tv watcher.


Fábio Henrique Gabriele Fabioh

@itau São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil