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Mauro Barrales maurobarrales25
Student at Univerisdad Católica del Uruguay. Every page turns, it's a lesson learned in time


Cristopher Paiva cristopherpds
📚 💻 Technologist in Systems Analysis and Development Student - UTEC - IFSUL

Perceptiva Uruguay

mikadominguezz mikadominguezz
Systems engineering student
Franco Pizzolante Francopizzolante
Estudiante de desarrollo de software en la universidad católica del Uruguay

Uruguay, maldonado

Diego Renaldin drenaldin
Soy un estudiante de la UCU y estoy estudiando lenguajes de Programacion
Rodrigo Perdomo xrodrigopx

Universidad Católica del Uruguay Uruguay

fab supahfox

@TomiokaDev Uruguay

Pedro Scheeffer Dannysdp
Coding and making some games.


Paolo Mazza PaoloMazza1204

Qubika Montevideo, Uruguay

Giorgio.S zzFire07
Curious programmer, highly dedication to learn. In way to be the master developer.

Universidad Catolica del Uruguay UY

Felipe Villaronga FelipeVillaronga
Currently studing Software Engineering at Universidad Catolica del Uruguay (about to start third year). Languages: Js, Ts, Python, C#, HTML
