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Ziλ∀ bugthesystem
human. dad. husband. programmer. optimizer. (b)low-level. gfx & engine hacker. twisted mind 💙

prev: @Microsoft @Zalando @HEREMaps x=∞,y=∞

Game Engineer and Researcher of Game AI Parallelization
AlexAnder Ander456
Heave or Hell

Beijing. China

Adriano Santos sleipnir

Eigr Milky Way, Solar System, Earth, Brazil

Vitor Navarro vnavarro
Sr. Mobile Platform Engineer @sybogames Software and game developer, writter, speaker, space lover, curious, gamer.

@sybogames Copenhagen, Denmark

玖亖伍 gsw945
9️⃣ 4️⃣ 5️⃣ love technology, favorite language is Python 👍 ; using 🐧 Linux OS(Ubuntu) usually.

pathea games Chongqing

Alexandre Yukio Harano ayharano
Yet to find an interesting description.

São Caetano do Sul, SP, Brazil

Alliciga Source alliciga
A developer

ZTCloud Corp. China

Thiago Guedes thiagobergami
Software Developer at Stone/

Rio de Janeiro


Tectree Gz

星星 bigxing

Guanzhou, China

lital hill LitalHill
full stack development
Weslley Nascimento Rocha WeslleyNasRocha
Code is poetry

Wildlife Studios Hortolândia/SP

Tiago Suzukayama tsuzukayama
Bachelor of Computer Science at Federal University of ABC. Frontend Dev at Wildlife Studios.

Wildlife Studios São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo

Lucas Moura Veloso lucas-mv
I like writing creative solutions that help people on their day-to-day activities.

@dtidigitalcrafters Belo Horizonte, MG - BR

Dennpa DarkAngel7

Retro Games Studio

Marcos Toledo toledompm
SRE @ Wildlife Studios

Wildlife Studios

云海 study825


Thiago de Jesus Ramos thiagodejesus
I'm a full stack developer, mainly focused on backend, but I enjoy exploring all areas of software development. And currently I'm learning and loving Rust.

@winnin Salvador


@elleve-tech Campinas, BR

MurilinhoPs murilinhoPs
Mobile dev at Nubank, using Flutter. I'm also Game Designer that uses Unity and Unreal to develop games.

Nubank Brazil, São Paulo

Software Engineer: Java, Python.


Lucas Teles lucasteles
Developer, speaker, agilist, mechanical keyboard enthusiast, Vim evangelist, and game dev hobbyist

@iugu Brazil

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI

Wildlife Studios Argentina

sunBin YunCaiCaoYuan
a mobile game developer for about four years
