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David Niederweis DJN1
CS Major at The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Code-Enthusiast

Bellevue, Washington

Yngve Levinsen Eothred

European Spallation Source ERIC Lund, Sweden

Dimitar Rusev mitiko

@efellowsbg Sofia, Bulgaria

Caret 641i130
I like Rust and secure systems.

404 IDK

Just a person who likes games and computers.


JJGadgets JJGadgets
Infosec, IT infrastructure, cloud computing, Linux. HomeLab status: Currently exploring Kubernetes on Talos.
Jaehaerys JaehaerysNL
Privacy activist, defender of press freedom, human rights and the constitution, Security awareness spreader, Member of Volt Europa.

Volt Europa European Union

all your base are belong to us

Miami, FL

Neos21 Neos21
どうも Neo です。

Neo's World

null data nulldataset
null data

null null null data

Manuel Polo mrmx
To fix or not to fix, that's the question.

@wualabs Spain

Keith Yemelianovskyi yayekit
Biomedicine Data Analyst

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Niklas Wall niklaswall
Security Enthusiast. Computer & Electronics Geek. Maker. Father. Husband. CISO, Security Architect. Personal site:


sSm mirtaqi

Payamed Electronic Co Tehran,Iran