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Benjamin Chase perspector
👋 Hello! Raspberry Pi Projects, GNU/Linux, and Python programming are some of my hobbies. I also enjoy building and flying RC airplanes along with drones.

Europa, Jupiter's icy moon

Tanya wonntann
My heart lies in affording access to the community member that may not have their voice heard. I strive to foster ideas of inclusion, accessibility and equity.

Views are my own and not on behalf of other entities.

Marko markotitel

Serbia, Vojvodina, Titel

Sam Bulatov mephistorine
Frontend developer at @Tinkoff Member of the organizing committee of the @krddevdays. Core editor at @learnrxjs.

Tinkoff Russia, Krasnodar

Borja Herrero bherrero

@Desygner Gold Coast, Australia

Vincent Cauchois VincentCauchois
Junior full stack developer @PatriNat, French National Museum of Natural History - GINCO / DepoBio @PnX-SI - GeoNature @isae-supaero - 2022-graduate engineer

PatriNat Paris, France

Pat B. pbierkortte
Engineer, architect, SQL ninja, data geek, and marketer. Building reliable systems and leading innovation.

Hector De Diego hectorddmx
iOS developer. Also @lecksfrawen Flutter, Elixir and Python enthusiast.

Distillery Mexico City

Johan Broström Job76

InspektionsSystem AB Karlstad, SWEDEN

wusphinx wusphinx
less is more

Hangzhou, China

marlon mt marmonto
Expert Database Administrator + Architect | SLCD: UML, US | SQL, ETL | Rusty OO Dev: .Net, Java, JS | IT-Ops | Aspiring Dev.Sec.Ops, PM, Scrum Master

Open to Projects Medellín, Colombia

Mike Benner mikebenner

Dragones Software Orange County, California

Farley O. Rangel agddesign
Bel. Eng. Software

AGDdesign Brazil

Habibullah Salimy HabibullahSalimy
Information Technology and Cybersecurity Specialist

COS Global Services Madrid Spain

Georg georgno

Zixio Berlin, Germany

Tu dois voir la réalité en face. Les choses ne se déroulent pas toujours comme on le voudrait. Plus on vieillit, plus on prend conscience d'une chose