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Daniel Sánchez dascruz
Computer Science at University of Waterloo | Computer Science and Engineering, and Business Administration at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Madrid, Spain

Martin Bučko MartinBucko
Experienced DevOps Engineer with a deep passion for Linux systems and Cloud Architecture. Expert in Home Automation and dedicated to advancing in DevSec.

Slovakia, Košice

Andreas Holen aholen

Aiba AS Kapp, Norway

Just a person figuring out how to do different things to create some brilliant other things. Learning Nodejs, Discord.js, Typescript, & Go. Creator of Scriptly.
Anand Therattil anand-therattil
A recent graduate with a passion for Machine Learning. I have recently completed my degree in Masters Degree and am excited to begin my journey !!

Govivace Inc Hyderabad

Kris FlawlessCasual17
Housing SHOULD be a basic human right.

Alberta, Canada

Niccolò Agnoletti blazardsky
Web developer, graphic designer, illustrator, artisan and space cowboy. Hi!

Kipo Produzioni Italy