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Reda Mastouri RedaMastouri
Highly motivated Data Scientist with professional experience focusing on Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, NLP,Text mining & Analytics.

Rutgers University/ Saint Peter's University ( New York, USA

Raúl Ríos riosraul
Project Leader

Noanet Yerba Buena - Tucumán - Argentina

María Carlina Hernández mariacarlinahernandez
IoT Developer 👩🏼‍💻 | Maker 👩🏼‍🏭 | Community Builder 🤝🌎

Colombia, Medellin

Rafael Belokurows rafabelokurows
Problem-solver, Coffee-drinker, Data Nerd

Kantar Worldpanel Porto - Portugal

Juan Fernando Villa Hernández juanfvilla
Entusiasta por las soluciones para ciudades inteligentes, participación y veeduría ciudadana.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA Medellín

Victor MC victormc13
Hi! I'm Victor, an aspirant to become a Full-Stack software developer. currently student in @holberton. JavaScript enthusiast. Looking for new challenges.

Full-stack developer student in @microverseinc Lima - Perú

Albertsuarez albertidimentico

albertsuarez /home/albert