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Neil Kapadia neilkapadia7
MERN Stack Developer

Mumbai, India

SohamBirenKatlariwala SohamBirenKatlariwala
EECS Student of Class 2027 with AI & Robotics


Mohammed Nurul Abedin Ashraf abedin-ashraf
Majoring in Computer Information Systems Student at Southeast Missouri State University

Southeast Missouri State University United States

Harshavardhan Patare Harshawardhan2209
I am a Full Stack Web Developer and ex intern @cybernetics

Cynbernetics Software Private Ltd Pune

Amogh Kapoor amoghkapoor
I am a student/ web developer, looking forward to contribute to open source and keep learning new tech.

Navi Mumbai, India

toshi t6shi
Vanshika Singh | Designer
Siddharth Talesara sid-talesara
Full-Stack web developer πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» | Tech enthusiast | Like to build in public and collaborate with amazing people | Building @we-markals

@gagahealthtech India

Alok Gupta aialok
@nodejs is love ❀️ | Sophomore at IIIT Ranchi


Yiğit Tanrıverdi xgame92

Software Engineer Berlin

Shoeb Mohiuddin Shoeb891
Learning and exploring


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Rahul Ranjan Rahul9214
Web Developer | Frontend Developer | React | JavaScript + DSA

New Delhi, India

Lokesh Kumawat lkshh9
A Computer Science student exploring various domains in the tech field to figure out my interest.
Ashish Verma ashishverma2831
Targets: MERN stack developer | Java and DSA | DevOps | Talks about Mathematics and Problem Solving

Gomtinagar, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh

Rohini Dawange Rohini2407

Matoshri college of engineering and research centre eklahare nashik Nashik

Passionate to work in the field of software development and work on real-time projects. Keen on exploring challenging problems and possible way to solve them.
Ally Diah maintaintechtz
Hi there, I'm Ally Diah .πŸ‘‹ I'm a software developer ,I create innovative products that improve people's lives.


Swetha Baskaran Swetha-Baskaran
πŸš€ Full Stack Developer | Freelancer | Specialized in Frontend Dev | GSSOC'23 Contributor | AI & Devops Enthusiast πŸ€– Puducherry, India

Sai Sanjay Kottakota sanjay7178

@DigitalFortressPvtLtd localhost

Nilav Prajapati gerceboss

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT Roorkee)

Aryan Mishra Aryan-any
IIT Roorkee (ECE)


Ayush Vyas Ayush06Vyas

Software Engineer Remote

BitBeast B1tB3ast
Hi, I am Aditya Mundada, a sophomore at Computer Science Department, IIT Roorkee.