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Hemanth B hemanth22
Devops Engineer

DBS Hyderabad

Yuguang Wang rhyw

Red Hat Beijing

Opportunity network kennylflim
Networking Platform for ASEAN Domestic Helper , Non Skill Worker and Temporary Visit Work Pass working abroad.

Not for profit Malaysia

Jose Carlos Perez Rojas JosePerez32
I'm Jose Perez from Mexico City and I like the food
SavvyJC jasoncook32
Just a lonely developer trying to make it in the world.

Meridian Man Dev Guthrie, OK

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Antonio Musarra amusarra
I have always believed that knowledge sharing is a great tool for personal growth.

Rome - Italy

M.J. mjavadhpour
Human boy trying to be a good programmer

The Earth

Thomas Juberg TJuberg

Bane NOR SF Trondheim, Norway

Yassir Bolles Ysrbolles
Strong engineering professional graduated from 1337 Future Is Loading.
Vaikunda Raj Arumugapandi vaikundaraj
DevOps, .NET, Angular, SQL, Veeva Vault, Mulesoft, Snaplogic, Azure, AWS

Infosys Ltd Chennai

Walker Haddock whaddock
Computer Scientist working as High Performance Computing Engineer at Eglin Air Force Base.

Qualis Corporation Destin, FL US

Chirag Matkar chiragmatkar
Developer and Security Analyst

Open Source Developer India

Tiger Kaovilai kaovilai
A gopher in the Kubernetes space. I contribute to @openshift and @project-velero to protect @kubernetes workloads.

Red Hat Raleigh, NC, USA; Bangkok, Thailand

zeeshan zeeshan-tufail
System Integration Specialist, Writing API's to help business, OpenShift, DevOps

KFH Kuwait

Scott Froberg sefroberg

Red Hat Massachusetts

Adam Miller maxamillion
Husband. Father. Pythonista. Gopher. Fedora and CentOS Community Member. Ansible Contributor. Linux nerd. SysAdmin. Hatter. Texan. Geek. Author. Speaker.

Red Hat Fort Worth, TX

Rakhmad Azhari rakhmad
Specialist Solution Architect - AppDev

Redhat Jakarta

Germano Araújo da Silva germanodasilva

Red Hat Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Justin Bailey beholdenkey /dev/null