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Yan-Tong Lin EazyReal
MSCS student at Georgia Tech

Georgia Tech Atlanta, GA

Federico Carrone unbalancedparentheses
A happy member of The Erlang, ML and Lisp Evangelism Strikeforce. Network Protocol's RFC fanatic. Distributed Systems, Data Science and Finance.

LambdaClass Buenos Aires, Argentina

Researcher of CAS. Research interests: cryptography, applied algebra

Chinese Academy of Sciences Haidian Distr., Beijing, China

Jeon Jeongho maczniak

DSRV in Seoul

LXQ chaoticsys
It is not easy to express the requirements clearly, especially for customers and your engineers. We will work to solve this problem

LixuQiu Inc. China

Htain Linn Htoo phohtoo
Software Engineer..


It's possible to build a cabin with no foundations, but not a lasting building.

@antgroup Hangzhou, China

Y.Dong Ye-D
Ph. D. / Security & Privacy, Crypto & MPC, and Machine Learning

iTrust @ SUTD Singapore

hemmingway hemmingway
I'm a freelance software and hardware consultant, based in Shanghai China, with a huge range of experience and wide skillset.

Shanghai Parais Graphics Technology Co.,Ltd. China

Sankalp Deadlyelder
Cryptography enthusiast and CS Researcher. Website:


Daniel Granata danielhatoshi
Blockchain Developer and Researcher
Wenqing Hu huwenqing0606
Associate Professor of Mathematics@Missouri S&T

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Missouri University of Science and Technology (formerly University of Missouri, Rolla) Rolla, MO, USA

ZK Community zk-community

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