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Ian Kamau Iank-code
Rubyist | UI UX Design | React Js | Node Js | Next Js | Sass | Tailwindcss | Mantine UI | Typescript

Software Engineer Nairobi, Kenya

Ignacio Damián González ignaciodamiang
Software Engineer & DevOps.

Buenos Aires

Connor Brady rexchoppers

@papertrailio Manchester

Кирилл Леонов leonovk
Software Engineer. In love with computer science.

Potok.Digital Moscow

Matias Basanez programatiasbg
Programador full stack

Freelancer Chile

George GeorgePires
Ruby on Rails Developer

Mainô Teresina, PI

Muhammad Usama Mohammad-Usama
Expertise in,, MVC, Web API, Stripe API, React, Angular, Vue, Node.js, MongoDB, SQL Server, MySQL, GraphQL

Lahore, Pakistan

AlpineYahoo alpineyahoo
I'm interested in biology.
Angel Aviel Domaoan tenshiAMD
Full Stack Developer | Learn. Grow. Evolve. An individual who loves challenges and new knowledge of different computer technologies and systems.[en-PH]

Somewhere on Earth

Douglas Lise douglaslise
Software Engineer

Porto Alegre, Brazil

@hBk-ɱʒ hBk-m3

Student & Developer & Worker @hBk *Everywhere*

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Valdemiro Rodrigues valdemiror

Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil

Isaac Alves Pinheiro IsaacAlves7
Full-Stack Developer ⚛️

@globoi Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Lloyd Dilley ldilley
root by day, gamer, programmer, and zombie aficionado by night (but I'm in bed by midnight if you're reading this, mom).
