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Arthur tensorflowters
Searching the exit of the Matrix...
Albert Cervera i Areny albertca

NaN·tic Sabadell, Barcelona

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Kind dev fulldev1023
Full stack Developer. React Next Python Django Golang Ruby on Rails

Freelancer In the World

Miguel Rodríguez mrp500
Learning web development.


Nafi Rashid Rahim NafiRahim
I love to write code.

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Culture.Support CultureSupport
Use Adblocker , Its Makes Surfing Enjoyable Again Against Web Trash

Culture.Support Culture.Support

Oussama EL GHANNAMI iamoeg
Just a nerd doing nerdy things 🤖


Golden MAN profreelancer222
Program development is ART

Lina, Austria

Khalil Misbah KhalilM94
Computer Science Undergrad @ UoPeople

Viterbo, Italy

Khushbu Yadav KhushbuY123
CSE'25 Dr. AITH |Marketting lead GDSC'23| 2 ⭐ Codechef | 5 ⭐in python problem solving hackerRank |

GDSC kanpur

Tewodros Birhanu onesamket
ET-based full-stack Engineer


Adhemar Avaruz

Avaruz Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Wizard of FullStack code-wizard21
Behold, I am a mighty wizard of the digital realm, a master of the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack! I possess the power to conjure extraordi

Freelancer House

Tommi Saltiola Saltiola7
Freelancer Dev & fCMO living in Mexico City Web Development, SEO/CRO/UX/UI, Data Engineering & Analysis, Automation & GenAI BSc & MBA

Scaling Nature Oy Mexico City

Rizwan Zaheer rizwanzaheer
Software Engineer, Specialize in Front End Development | Vue | Nuxt | React | Next | Redux | React Native | Node | Express | Docker

@StakeTechnology @vuesion @hoola-inc @Sabhi-org @This-is-Ample @RED-CRESCENT-COVID-19 Dubai, UAE

Mohamed Ahmed MohamedAbdElgni
Full-Stack Python Developer


Zeeland Undertone0809


Mihir Chakma mihirchakma
Python 🐍 | Rust 🦀

@Ubunsoft Sri Lanka

Mihir Chakma mihir-chakma
Python | Rust ❤️ @mihirchakma

Chittagong, Bangladesh

João Pedro joao-zip
Trying not to be killed by my machine

UNIFESP Jacareí - SP

01010010010101010101 D4Fi

FreeLance world

Gonzalo Paez GonzaPaez
💻Python Developer🐍

San Juan, Argentina

Bingbing animebing
computer vision

MetaSota Beijing, China

Hasan Sezer Taşan hasansezertasan
Software Developer‌ ·‌‌ Open Source Contributor

@bold-auto-transport Turkey

Subhashini Subi2502
B.Tech Student | UI/UX Designer | Python Enthusiast


Thierry Moudiki thierrymoudiki
Like everything related to tech, statistical/machine learning, computer simulation, numerical optimization. Other things too, not mentioned in this bio!


Will_Dev Willianliver
Sou um desenvolvedor web apaixonado com uma sólida experiência em várias tecnologias. Minhas habilidades abrangem Python, Django, Flask, MySQL, HTML, CSS e JS