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Edi Ferreira edif
Make code not war!
Miles Curry MiCurry

Boulder, Colorado

DigiDuncan DigiDuncan
Professional non-professional.

DigiDuncan Media Group Upstate New York

Culture.Support CultureSupport
Projects For Anomaly

Culture.Support Culture.Support

Rémi Vanicat vanicat

Saint André de Cubzac, France

⟠ Rodolfo De Nadai rdenadai
As Rodolfo De Nadai awoke one morning from uneasy dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin.

Jundiaí, Brazil

Patrick Martin drpjm
Robotics researcher and educator interested in exploring the science and engineering of heterogeneous, human-robot teams.

University of Richmond Richmond, Virginia

Sérgio Campos Silvério campos-sergio
Dollar Driven Developer => Git • Ruby on Rails • FastAPI(Python) • AWS SDK • Redis • PostgreSQL • Unit Testing

Mamute TI Tech Caraguatatuba - SP, Brazil

Klaus Heissler claudiug

cto@relatico Berlin

Alexander Zabolotsky brainexploded
There lived a bassist

St. Petersburg

Adel M. Dawood proadel
Physician MBBS | CISCO+ | webDev | DevOps | CEH ||!_ | mMBA = "else"Yemeni Service provider ; i support users & customers Remotely ! For Smart Devices and Web

Umbrella Corporation _drAdelDawood Sana`a-Yemen

Grant Hur gran4
Passionate Software Engineer | Proficient in Python, C, C++, iOS, and Java | Seeking internship and growth opportunities

San Jose, CA, US

Seung-Min Han nashorstyle

Korea Univ Korea Univ. 고려대학교 안암캠퍼스 자연관

Aayush Karn Aayushk2105

New delhi, India

Mohamad Nematizadeh MohamadNematizadeh
Artificial Intelligence|AI Research @apple |Deep Learning |Programmer | web development

Mashhad, Iran

Peter Martens petermartens98
AI Developer | Cognitive Neuroscience Grad
Moises Delgado mdelgadonyc
Software Engineer with focus on Python, AWS, Linux, and API and backend tools. Alum @recursecenter


Cabbage1ady Cabbage1ady
A whole lotta cabbage


Kevin Cho monolith-kh
Software Engineer

monolith Seoul

Linh Pham questionlp
Wait Wait Stats Person, IT/DevOps Nerd and TBTL Ten (he/him/they)


Leonardo Fiedler leonardoFiedler

Senior Sistemas Blumenau - Brasil

LynchWu Lynch1206
Hi, I am Lynch. I know a bit about SEMI GEM standards. Now, I have moved my interest to data extracting, data mining, objective-oriented AI implementation.

Eindhoven, Netherland

Itallo Melo talomelo
Perfil para Estudos
Aedan Andrews DragonMoffon
A NZ University Student Studying Applied Physics specialising in Space Systems. Hobbyst Game Dev on the side.
Hector Patino QuantDev-chaos
Life-long learner of all Science, called by a passion to share what I've learned.

Chicago, IL.

B. A. Ballesteros AlfabetaWeb
Full Stack Developer . Tech teacher. Eager to learn, improve and practice. Open to collaborate

European Union

Nick Brennan projxbynick
I Am Not An Expert, But I Am Passionate and Enjoy The Wonderful World Of Development, Design.

Michigan, United States of America

Helder Oliveira helderc
Instructor at Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT), Canada.

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) Canada

# 💫 About Me: I'm working in a tech company<br>I'm strudying computer science<br>Enjoy sports<br> ## 🌐 Socials: [![Instagram](
Jason Knoll jasonknoll
Co-founder of @protoscope and @The-A-R-N-O-L-D-Project

People, Technology, and Processes

Mohammad Ibrahim Ibrahim2750mi
I actively contribute to @pythonarcade and @python-discord. Topics in which I have made project in: GUI, games, networking, media processing, microcontroller


NemesisNeS nemesisnes
Gamer, developer, coder and game script writer. Need I say more!

Altimt Gaming Productions Underneath your bed or hiding in your closet when I feel like it!