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Kiwoong Kim kivv00ng

Seoul, Republic of Korea

박세준 park-se-jun
안녕하세요! 능숙한 개발자를 꿈꾸는 대학생 입니다!

Soongsil University Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

abe Han abehan7
Web 3.0 Developer
Heechul Lee heechul90
back-end developer


Jihye Han jihyehann

@naver Seoul, Korea

Young Soo Kim devYSK
Backend Engineer

Gangnam-gu, Seoul

김창규 Kim-Changgyu

Seoul, Republic Of Korea

Lee Suyoung twotwobread

Daegu, Republic of Korea

권주성 JoosungKwon
소프트웨어를 통해 세상에 더 많은 가치를 창출하고 싶습니다. 📡

MEDIT Seoul, Republic of Korea

Taehyun Jung alweiis

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Junior Back-End Developer

Seoul, South Korea

cogito21g cogito21g
기본을 잘 하는게 제일 어렵다...

Korea, Republic of

장현호 Hyunho Jang hyunolike
👨‍🌾 Software(Web, Backend) Engineer

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Sangwook goodbyeyo
Growing back-end-engineer Seoul

신창호 Gloom-shin
To become a better developer than yesterday, 소마 14기 연수생

Gyeonggi-do Yongin,Korea

Choongseop Kim kchs94

KYOBO Life Insurance Seoul,Korea

SR SeokRae
What is Backend Developer?


KGH catalinakim
JAVA/Spring 개발자


JIWOONG KIM wisehero
배워서 남 줄 수있는 개발자가 되는 게 목표입니다.

KMU Seoul

Eunyoung greenkey20
green piano rabbit
