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Tatsuya Arai cutmail
iOS / Android Application Engineer

UnderSoil, Inc. Japan,Tokyo

Daniel Cardona Rojas DanielCardonaRojas

YML Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia

최지철 jife-archive
부지런 부지🏃🏻

Seoul, Korea

Ydna vvisionnn

@microsoft Probably Mars

Cassim Ahmed Attia cassimahmedattia
Cyber & Info. Data Sec. Pro., IT & Info. Sec. Mgmt. Consulting, Cloud Management, Information Management, DevOps and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

@alnafi @The-Intelligent-Thinker

Dexter Kim DexCodeMobile
iOS Engineer who has a curiosity about new technologies such as ML, AR, Self Driving, Security, and so on.

Gen Digital Inc. Torrance, CA, USA

Nicholas Maccharoli Nirma
Making conversations with machines more human readable.

Screaming Cactus LLC Tokyo

Lukas Soukup lukylab
I love creating new products and I am passionate about design and new technologies.

LukyLab Prague

iOS Developer

Munich, Germany

Liang Chen lucianchen

Virginia, United States

Tom Holmes tommy-holmes
Software Engineer at Loomery

Loomery London, England

Fujii Yosuke touyou
Goodpatch / ZA / NOTHING NEW / ex- LiT!Mentor / UTokyo CS Igarashi Lab / juken7

@goodpatch Japan

Trenton Enter trentonenter
how does this code work again?
ProgrammerTery ProgrammerTery
iOS Dev, Mac Endpoint Dev


M. Barış ÇİÇEK bariscck
 Developer

Akbank Turkey

Konstantin kkostov
Independent App Developer | Building 💡 FeedbackBulb | Full-Stack Mobile and Web Developer

Headbright Group Belgium

Seongjin Heo heoseongjin
허성진 | iOS Developer

@dramancompany Seoul

Ahmed Emad Ahmedemad0
iOS Software Engineer 

@ShamiHQ Egypt

刘宏立 cellgit
Simpler and simpler!

Beijing, China

Margulan Daribayev enumcase

bangtan Kazakhstan

Dennis Dang dangdennis
Computers both exceed expectations yet suck.

Manhattan, New York

Marlon Raskin marlonjames71
iOS Developer with a passion for clean code and a great user experience. I'm a huge fan of music and a musician myself. Feel free to reach out!

ADT Atlanta

Sabli Junior SabliJr
Software engineer & student at 42 Paris.


Fabio Vinotti fabiovinotti
iOS Developer passionate about music.

Milan, Italy

devler lerdev
Work Works Worked Working!


adam adamluthfi
iOS Dev

SehatQ Jakarta

Olivier krilbbodyboard
Apprentice developer #Swift SwiftUI

Bordeaux-Paris (France)