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James O. D. Hunt jodh-intel
Works at Intel's Opensource Technology Centre (OTC) and hacks on @kata-containers. jodh on IRC / Slack. (My personal github is @jamesodhunt).

@intel UK

Lucas,C Pretendxiang
My interests pertain to the realms of robotic navigation and perception, and I am focus on Safety-Aware Trajectory Optimization and Multi-Agent Systems.

National Cheng Kung University Taiwan

Gargi Bhise GargiBhise

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Santa Clara, CA

Siddharth Kekre iSiddharth20
Found Something Interesting or Have an Idea? Let's Collaborate!

Santa Clara, California

Junjie, Yang yangjunjie0320

California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California

ZhangNing NingZhang1
PostDoc, Tensor Network, Quantum Chemistry, Caltech

Caltech Pasadena, CA, USA

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Jiho Lee DPS0340
Think Rust

@MondrianAI @SW-Maestro-OSS Republic of Korea

Michael Lee vlmlee
Feeling my brain form new connections every day. Typescript, Go, Rust, and Solidity.
stamaimer stamaimer

Tencent ShenZhen, China

AlexSpace IndifferentArea
learning system

XJTU Xi'an, China

zhuwenxing zhuwenxing

@milvus-io @zilliztech Shanghai

Interested in numerical methods and modelling complex problems. email:

Westlake University Hangzhou

frankwang98 frankwang98
Focus on Robot&Autonomous_vehicle; Admire @liusu123 @yinqinghai ; Welcome to play with me!
Qiyu hizhangqiyu
Anything that can go wrong will go wrong !

Shanghai, China

Keming kemingy
418 I'm a teapot

@tensorchord Singapore

Sungmann Cho chosungmann
👨🏻‍💻 🎼 📚 🍽 ☕ 🧳 🎫 🙏🏻

@ncsoft Seoul, South Korea

RoZeʟ-RoṨeʟ Zaĸhɪa Taṩmanɪan ReptileHyena-Hardware

@GothicHippie-Content-Core Mke

Rishabh rishabh135
Machine Learning Researcher


suryachandra949 suryachandra949
University of York

University of York York

Thomas Knickerbocker TCKnickerbocker
Current Master's student in Computer Science with a passion for Web Development & Machine Learning

Minneapolis, MN