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Мистер Макс mapjx
Learning a bit of everything.

Programming free code

Daniel Bayley danielbayley
Animotion/graphic designer and full stack developer hybrid. Prolific open source hacker. Long Web3, short banks.


- - // - - htetoh
I'm Htet, who is currently learning new things on Github to improve skills for future career.
Olga Dmitricenko odGit
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Copenhagen, Denmark

dy-turbo wudanyang6
s20 src4026

Nill :) Cosmos

Dator Libertatis datorlibertatis
"Dator Libertatis" (Latin) Giver of Freedom | Cybersecurity champions are the new “datores libertatis." Reclaim your digital freedom, byte by byte!

Dator Libertatis Australia

Byron byronzhang404

Bytedance Hangzhou

Doug Keiller dougkeiller
Edtech founder, investor. No-coder who, regardless, loves to build.

@Emeritus-org San Diego

Andrea Fortino andreafortino
Just me

Regione Toscana Florence, Italy

Chad Kohalyk chadkoh
Head of Ops at Fission

Fission Osaka, Japan

Erlend Sogge Heggen erlend-sh
Open Product Developer; Founder of @spicylobstergames & @commune-os; Formerly @discourse

Spicy Lobster Norway

F.M. Belsunce belsunce
Boss: What is your address? Me: Boss: No, your local address! Me: Boss: I mean your physical address!! Me: 29:01:38:6F:31:58

FMB Paris, France

Kieran McGuire kdmcguire

@britishredcross Canterbury, UK

Every day learning....
Panos Frantzis panosfrantzis
Learn as Usual

Athens, Greece

Kazuki kazuki-sf
Building @glasp-co

@glasp-co San Francisco