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Gerrit Beine gbeine

INNOQ Plauen, Germany

Sebastian Bachmann sebastianbachmann

dazedandconfused development Fürth

H. jawahery
Industrial Designer

Inversion Reality Germany

Thilo ThillOmaNN

educationZEN Berlin

Simon Wörpel simonwoerpel
investigative data journalist | leak librarian | computer assisted investigative reporting | @investigativedata | ex @correctiv

@investigativedata Europe

Paul karcino
CS student


ShadowCreator250 ShadowCreator250
Hobby Coder/Dev and still have a LOT to learn.


Giuliano Castiglia glncstgl

University of Konstanz Konstanz

Andreas Koslowski akoslowski

@new-work @xing-com Hamburg, Germany

Moritz Beyer m-beyer2022
iOS Apprentice at XING

New Work SE Hamburg

Leandro Rodrigo learodrigo
another random dude ⚫ 👾

@berlin-bytes Berlin

Johannes Filter jfilter
Python, Data, Web, Scraping, NLP, PDFs, JavaScript, React

East Germany

Jan Strauss janstrauss1
Data Scientist at the German Maritime Center

German Maritime Center Hamburg

Vri vrifox

Leipzig, Germany

Vieta yVieta
If you run, you gain one. If you move forward, you gain two
Fabian Morón Zirfas ff6347
👋🏽 I'm Fabian. I'm a creative technologist @technologiestiftung and educator @hbk-bs living in Berlin who occasionally does stuff that involves things.

@technologiestiftung Berlin

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
n0rt4n nort4n
Started to explore coding recently. Typescript and React mostly for now.
Juliana Trevine trevineju
Undergraduate in Information Systems at USP

@okfn-brasil São Paulo

Bahman Nikouei bahmannikouei
Hello, I'm Bahman Nikouei. As a Full Stack Developer, interested in PHP, JavaScript, and Node.js.

@bahmanapp Hamburg

Nick Raziborsky werkamsus
Hey there 👋

Sonoma San Francisco

Florian Dobener domna
Programmer, physicist, advocate for open source software & data, and connoisseur of git

@FAIRmat-NFDI Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Moritz Stückler pReya
Software Developer | Writer | Maker

@bitbetterde Hamburg, Germany

Camila Fernandes CamilaFernandesdev
Estagiária em Engenharia de Dados aplicado ao Setor Elétrico Brasileiro | Engenharia Elétrica - UTFPR |

COPEL - Companhia Paranaense do Paraná Curitiba, Brazil

Gustav Hansen gu-stav
More questions than answers. Into (f)oss, information architecture, a11y, inclusive design and collaboration.

Senior Frontend Engineer Germany / Berlin

Kiron Kiron030
Dude from Berlin interested in data science, geospacial projects and energy. Working mostly with javscript and python. Developer/maintainer of


Christian Staudt clstaudt
freelance data scientist / machine learning engineer


Andrea Heilrath andreaheilrath

TU Berlin Berlin, Germany

Johannes Fromm johannes-fromm
Master student Data Science TU Chemnitz


Obsessed with Fire Emblem and Battlefield. Uses Arch Linux, btw.

@nucleus-lang Germany

Tobias Hellmann Tobi823
Software Engineer

Braunschweig, Germany

Kaushal Pareek kp3393
Hello World! I'm a PhD student with a masters in micro and nanoelectronics. Interested in material science, FEM, and ML.

Technical University Chemnitz Germany

Wouter Wijsman sharkwouter
Hi! I'm a software developer who sometimes works on open source software for fun in his free time

gridscale Cologne, Germany

Eduard Itrich itrich
Contribution Manager at @porscheofficial | 🔥 for Open Source and Collaboration

@porscheofficial Offenburg

Marc Carran marccarran

Sefton, Merseyside, England

Wolf-Michael Bolle wmbolle

@continental Ulm, Germany

Annika anakinASD
Insanely professional Lead Software Engineer. Hiya!
Thomas Faust tafaust
Check out my LinkedIn for a bio:

@ehwplus @tafaust-org