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Joomun Noor joomun

Bagatelle Hotel Operations Company Limited Mauritius

Saiyal Juttun saijun97
IT Professional | Technology Enthusiast


Verlaine_Devnet verlaine-muhungu
A brain fueled by curiosity and full of dreams,Reader and Self taught


T. C. Vincent Leung Yin Ko MrTanoshii
Automation & Robotics | Web Dev
Ameenah Rostum Ameenah147
Web development at @lewagon #batch 992 Mauritius
Cédric Poottaren cedroid09
R & D at J.C.P Laboratory, Microsoft Certified Expert, Red Hat Certified SysAdmin, C#, Java and Python Programmer

@jcplaboratory Mauritius

Didier Fanchette dfanchette
Software Engineer

Mauritius Commercial Bank Mauritius

Digital designer / Web Developer ,coffee drinker, outdoor lover, travel enthusiast and tech geek. Creative developer in the making.


Chittesh Sham shamchittesh
DevOps Engineer who loves Linux

@Corel Mauritius

Laurent Le Jariel llejariel-fujaco
A Software Engineer with a 15 years experience in creation and delivery of software products.


Nytiennzo Madooray Nythiennzo
Learner. Developer. Impermanent.
