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Antonio Garofalo Endless077
Our democracy has been hacked.

Università degli Studi di Salerno Naples

Pablo Andrés Gay gpabloandres
Asistente IT (informática, programación, Visión Computarizada, IA, así como desarrollo front-end y back-end). Docente (Cs de la Computación, Programación)


YNSRC - Open Source ynsrc
Electrical-Electronics Engineer
Xun zhangxun-SCU
Computer Science major, Sichuan University, like to learn new things.

四川大学 中国四川省成都市

Tharuka Pavith tharuka-pavith
Software Developer & Electronics Geek | Ex-Intern @ CodeGen International

University of Ruhuna Sri Lanka

Abhijeet Kumar Abhijeetbyte
Student || Tech Enthusiast || Programmer

@Navmarg-Research-and-Innovation Patna Bihar, India

João Uzêda joaouzeda
Engineering assistant

Greentech São Paulo, SP - Brazil

J. Ross scallywagJ
I will not ask how you ended up here, but the fact you're reading this is the universe discretely suggesting that you have had enough computer for one day...

Denver, CO

Mehta Dhairya MehtaDhairya
I am BCA (Bachelors of Computer Application) Student in my second year living in India.

none India

Vladimir V. networker-x
|PCB Designer| Network Engineer| Off-Grid Systems Engineer |Communications Specialist| Tactical Systems Engineer|


Jose_Zamudio Polloarabe
Pavel Revak pavelrevak
Embedded, Microcontrollers, Electronics, Linux, C++, Python


~pkwolffe PhidLarkson
A part of the journey


nborbit nborbit
check my telegram channel


Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Python etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 💚

@tp-link-extender Scotland

Circuitry Passion TheElectronicMusicProject
> Engineering 📚 > Electronics 🔌 > Programming 👨🏻‍💻 > Electronic Projects! 💡 Want to contact me? ➡️


Michael Nestel meirelon
Data Scientist / Engineer

Nashville, TN

Ivan Ivan0x17

Weidmüller italia s.r.l

vangkep vangkep
learn by doing

pandawa lima corps Indonesia

Harrison Xu Harrison-Xu

Seeed Studio Shenzhen, China

Adrian Josele Quional ajgquional
AI Student, Emerging Technology Enthusiast (IoT, robotics, AI, ML, space tech), and Certified Robotics, Coding, and Game Design Educator

University of the Philippines Diliman

Vishu Sharma Vishusharma296
Mechatronics systems engineer | Research interests: Signal processing, data analysis, control engineering, IoT, Embedded Systems, AI


mqtsn mqtsn
I'm novice. This is my work journal. I’m not good at English.
