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André M. andremarko

São Paulo, SP - Brasil

Carlos Lazarte carlos-lazarte
SysAdmin DevOps Solaris Sparc Linux OCI Docker Kubernetes Terraform Ansible.


Gabriel G. de Brito (AKA 96) gboncoffee
Coffee drinker, CS student and shitposter in English, Portuguese and Esperanto

Federal University of Paraná Brazil

Michael Bezerra darthbmo
Pós-graduado em Arquitetura e Projetos em Cloud Computing pela Uniestácio e Graduado em Redes de Computadores pela FATENE.

Tactium Fortaleza, Ceará

Duplicake Magnusretrotech
I love Antiviruses (mostly kaspersky), Google products and Microsoft products. I like hacking things (windows/android/apps).
Jan Černý yagarea
Student of Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University.
Rakesh Kanna rakeshkanna-rk
Junior Developer 🌟 | Web Development 💻 | Python 🐍 | UI UX Designing 🎨 |

Chennai, India

Zisis Lazakis zisis1992

Alexandroupoli, Greece

Federico Porciello fporciel2
Computer science, programming and coding student at 42 Roma LUISS, with interests in philosophy, mathematics, psychology and Free/Libre Open Source Software.


Afonso Santos AfonsoCCSantos
Msc. Information Security @ FCUL


jmcb joelsgp
amateur developer
Dolf Barr dolfbarr
💻 frontend engineer ☕️ coffee driven

@invitae, @quantumsoftgroup Belgrade

Elizeu Barbosa Abreu elizeubarbosaabreu
Atualmente trabalhando como Agente de Correios na Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos. Nas horas vagas: aprendendo programação...

Presidente Médici, Rondônia, Brasil

Eric ericvalijani
Doing research on Docker, Jenkins, Ansible, Kubernetes, and DevOps Concepts.
Gabriel Miguel 0xMaluco
Studying a bachelor's degree in Computer Science at the Federal Institute of São Paulo.

Brasil - São Paulo, SP

Gurchetan apaleblueman
CS student 🚀 | Interested in coding, cybersecurity, Linux 🐧, web/game dev 🎮 | Exploring open-source ❤️ | Dedicated to continuous learning and growth 🌱
H3NR1KE h3nr1ke
Programmer, Geek and open source enthusiastic

Apps&Etc Brazil

-Linux mint user-
Fernando tuxslack
Técnico em Informática | Suporte Técnico | Administrador de Servidores Linux | Redes | Analista de infraestrutura de TI | Técnico em Contabilidade

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil