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GeonhaPark Seunmul
Interests: Automotive platform SW, OS, Edge AI

Korea, Republic of

Piotr Świercz tajo48
CS Student at DSW


Mohammadreza Hendiani Man2Dev
🔐 Cybersecurity enthusiast | Advocate for Open Source 🌐 | Committed to promoting digital freedom 🚀 | Passionate about secure and transparent technology 🌍
Bob Lee YX boblyx
Design Technologist at DP Architects Pte Ltd (2021 - present). Computational Designer with Architectural Design Background

DP Architects Pte Ltd Singapore

Erik Varga rarlink


David Leal Blanes Wormito

Elda, Alicante, España

Tong wangtotang


GuanTongpeng guantongpeng

Beijing Institute of Technology BeiJing


Life Somewhere over the rainbow...

Wei liwei


June Leo JuneLeo

@alibaba Beijing, China

Juan Pablo Perata cxzero
Passionate about offensive security, pentester, security researcher, bug bounty hunter, hunger for learning new things
monkey1sai monkey1sai
happy jacks

Ezpluspy Taiwan

Andrei Radulescu andiradulescu
CTO @ UrbanAir

@NeobilitySRL Bucharest, Romania

김윤수 ing03201 Seoul

tianqi sun aerizts
seriously done

jhu Tempe, AZ

Dan Henderson sftwrngnr
Senior Software Engineer doing golang, python, and c++. Large scale systems, embedded systems, and robotics.
MSKF3000 mskf3000
Escovador de bit é uma gíria usada com referência às pessoas que se dedicam a alterar o modo de funcionamento de um sistema de computação através de alterações
Leeboby leeboby
Stay hungry. Stay foolish.


interested in AI 、 CV 、 parallel computing
