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Ivan Zorin ia
Just a regular curious engineer. Interests: embedded hardware, storage, network, radio, firmware, software & security.
Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior security researcher, compiler/binary hacker, NFC ninja, hardware hacker with a FPGA hammer. Previously Pay Security.

Lafayette, Indiana

Jan Ignatius igufi
Repos for tinkering, studying, and playing.
LordCasser LordCasser
Security researcher, trying to get better at Hardware and Wireless.
Alberto Caballero AlbertoCaballero
Full Stack Web, Mobile and Game Developer. Learning ML/AI/DS.

IBM México City

Yosh Muhaimin mohamadxmuhaimin
just code

Yosh indonesia

DaKö notyournick
👋 Hi, I’m @notyournick


xete xete

None Guangzhou