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Grafmax grafmaxxx
Od projektowania logo i identyfikacji wizualnej, poprzez kampanie reklamowe w mediach społecznościowych, aż po tworzenie responsywnych stron internetowych.


Yiannis Girod ygirod

Yiannis Girod Informatique Geneva, Switzerland

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Hamza Ali hamzaali81
Fullstack React/Node and Blockchain Developer full-time freelancer and content writer.

Creeptalk AI Pakistan

CJMTermini figmentdragon
learning as i go long; no degree or background in any of this - but more than willing to try, fail, and have to buy a new laptop...

@The-Creativity-Architect Rochester, NY

$hibaKing tylerbishopdev
Script puppy that is also a genius and stronger than Hulk Hogan. Mostly brilliant but with a childlike sense of wonder. Sometimes I make things that work.

Ezoic California