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Alexander nukisman
Idris2, TypeScript, ReactJS, PureScript, Haskell, Elm, NodeJS, HapiJS, AWS
Léana 江 leana8959
Living my best life on the verge of insanity

null France


aswaji2@gmail Riyadh

Sophie Bosio SophieBosio
Software engineer intern at Ardoq, MSc student at the University of Oslo, and budding Emacs enthusiast.

Ardoq Oslo, Norway

ynk AugustUnderground
PhD Student at Reutlingen University

@electronics-and-drives Innsmouth

Gian Luca Spitzer lucalabs-de
In love with Haskell.

Aachen, Germany

Trevis Elser telser

@flipstone Pumpkinland, Planet Pumpkin

Dasha Lary dashalary
Software Engineer

@businessinsider USA

Argos Maia argosmaia
Computer Scientist undergraduating in UERJ, I like to develop Mobile and Desktop Softwares, Games.

UERJ Rio de Janeiro

Vladyslav vlady5lav
Science & Tech Enthusiast

Hobbyist Developer & System Administrator Andromeda Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster, Laniakea Supercluster

Filipe Oliveira filipeoliveiraa
Software Engineer @GLanDrive, Brand Manager @APBI and CTO at @GivingTuesdayPT

@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT world.

Lee Jae-yeol malkoG
supa dupa kodingwarrior
Nikola Ubavić ubavic

Coming Computer Engineering Serbia

KeyXote foxtechindustries
Aspiring founder and creative collaborator. Growing my skillsets, looking to learn and collaborate on projects that foster sustainable growth for everyone.


I like functional languages


nmc.borst nmcb
( fuck it - we're all gonna die )

Independent Programmer Netherlands

Laurent P. René de Cotret LaurentRDC
Quantitative research in finance and energy, ultrafast condensed matter physics PhD

SocïVolta Montréal

andrii unorsk
Haskell and vegemite

Oslo, Norway

Zhao YuPeng zhaoyupenggit
GitHub Launch!!!
Mitja O dee-me-tree-or-love
👋 Hello there! | Full-stack engineer at Promaton | Graduate student at TU/e
Claudomir Silva claudomir8
PHP Developer : Full Stack

Brazil - Timon - MA

Michel Boucey MichelBoucey
Former philosopher, DevOps engineer & Haskell enthusiast.


Robert Krook Rewbert
PhD student at Chalmers University of Technology. Compilers, IoT, Languages, Testing


Christina Rust cafkafk
eza lead dev, rust/nix person. (Did I forget you? Ping me, it's ok!)

Infrastructure @DBCDK Denmark

David Nishikaze davidxifeng
I ❤️ coding. 出身地は中国で、N1を目指して日本語を勉強中です。


Roy Peter D'Souza roydsouza

Google Mountain View, California

Uday Kiran udaycruise2903
Python,Haskell/any language. Interested in project colloborations, reach out to me.


Frank Hampus Weslien honungsburk
Lover of art, code, and all things beautiful.


Adina lambdina
Troublemaker that loves perfection.

Lyon, France

Hayden LeBaron HaydenLeBaron
Functional programming enthusiast. Interested in PL theory and philosophy. Pikachu main.

Salt Lake City, UT

Salim Pamukcu salimp2009
C++ , Rust , Haskell, Back to C++ Lord of the Rings 🚀🚀

life time student

Connor Baker ConnorBaker
Nix Engineer @tweag. Interested in formal methods, Haskell, Lean, type & category theory, and computational photography!

@tweag Haymarket, V.A