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Luca Cereghetti LucaCereghetti
MSc Finance at UniversitΓ  della Svizzera Italiana - Minor in Quantitative Finance - Lugano, Switzerland
Nicolo Ceneda nicoloceneda
PhD in Finance at Imperial College London, interested in fixed income, financial derivatives and the applications of machine learning to these fields.

Imperial College London London

Serge Sergehedge
Quant Finance, Risk/ALM

Abu Dhabi

nrivera nebbirivera
Economics student.
KenCanDoIT kenlee0305
An interest-driven programmer

Hong Kong

Alexander Reed amr080
Duke University


Hung Nguyen spideynolove
Data Curators

Keep calm and love data Hanoi

Katsuki Niwa Katsukiniwa
Rails | React Native | Expo | TypeScript | Kotlin | Firebase | Domain Driven Design


Leo Programmaticc
dc: leo051337

South Tyrol

Dhruv Malik dhruvmalik007
buildL / consultant for web3 , generative AI and security auditor

Frontier-tech Europe

Quantus Aurelianus BulletYY
Self-Made Quantitive Trader to be.
Stefan Ciprian Hotoleanu stefanciprian
Software Developer

SCH Digital Ltd.

Matej mat-ej
interests: torch, graphcore, mlops


Heyeman Urgessa Heyeman
ALX Backend SWE grad @alx_africa Backend Development πŸ’» SWE @ AASTU '2025 πŸŽ“ Africa #techover 🌍 πŸ“#Ethiopia πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ή


Ratanlal Mahanta ratanlalmahanta
Quant Researcher | Senior Scientist

RsRL Kolkata

Chris Adu ceebeeaka89
Data & Marketing


Fernando Andrade des-fernando
Data/Software Engineering student.

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Mohit Aswani MohitAswani
Intern @goldmansachs | Competitive coder | Android developer

Goldman Sachs Bhopal ,India.