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Chris Burton burtyb

8086 Consultancy Newark, UK

Scott Beeker bayareaunicorn
Innovating for Social Good.

San Francisco, California

Jeff Sikes jeffsikes
Coder, Manager of Coders, and collector of dog fibers.

American Association of Nurse Practitioners Austin, TX

Jon Lebkowsky jlebkowsky
CEO of Polycot Associates, a mission-driven digital development co-operative. Web strategist, digital culture maven, co-operator, writer, activist, enzyme.

Plutopia News Network Austin, TX

Martijn de Boer martijndeb
Volunteer, writer, hacker, programmer, musician, info addict, amateur linguist, neuroscience/psych, dev/opsec, sofascener.

Drachten, The Netherlands

AJ Jordan strugee
25. FLOSS zealot(?). Lead maintainer @pump-io, author of @straticjs. UNIX philosophy subscriber. Sysadmin. @recursecenter alum.

@debtsy New York City

Johannes Ernst jernst
Technologist, entrepreneur and organizer.

Dazzle, FediForum Silicon Valley

Hong Minhee (洪 民憙) dahlia
A software engineer from Seoul. An advocate of F/OSS, fediverse, and cypherpunk. Hack into East Asian languages.

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Erlend Sogge Heggen erlend-sh
Open Product Developer; Founder of @spicylobstergames & @commune-os; Formerly @discourse

Spicy Lobster Norway

Andy Piper andypiper
community, code, and respect.

@mastodon Kingston upon Thames, UK

Matthias Pfefferle pfefferle
Webworker, podcaster and blogger, advocate of the #openweb and citizen of the @indieweb and the @fediverse, working on #activitypub & @indieweb for @WordPress

@automattic Karlsruhe, Germany