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Vilmir Baikov baikov98
Javascript and Python geek
Tomasz Waszczyk TomaszWaszczyk
Matthew 25:26-27 🙈 Isaiah 60:18

Real Life Matrix tomek.waszczyk.eth

Loki Var1130 lokivar1130

time variance authority

夏哲心想事成 xiazhe998
I hate github, banned my account so often
WaterBoat Silence-dream
正因你我生于繁华,弥足之花方显珍贵。 Open source is the closest thing to my dream.

@加速革命委员会 ShenZhen,China

maritimestudio yuriiss

Maritime.Studio Ukraine

Djimy DjimyNeitron
So, I am a programmer, I am fond of technology, I want to learn new information on smart contracts and cryptocurrency (💙,🧡)
Alaric Vindelar rokk1t
I'm Alaric Vindelar, a quantum tech innovator from Neo-York, combining art and technology to redefine what's possible.

Quantum Pinnacle Solutions Neo-York

Monchi TRkizaki

North Macedonia

0xyjkim pmespresso
peace and love
