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Dev++ aimenux
Dev For Fun


Mehmet Oğuz Özkan MehmetOguzOzkan
Sakarya University Computer Engineering
Yunus Emre Akıncı emreaknci
Sakarya University | Computer Engineering


Cioclea Doru Octavian dorucioclea
Tech enthusiast

@CoreBuildSoftware Cluj-Napoca


Santa Catarina - Brazil

Zou Wei zwcloud


Alexandre carvalho2209

Maersk Mountain View, California

Mehmet Mehmet-Mg

İstanbul Turkey

Senior software engineer @Accedia
Lorenzo Filippini Desk888
Full Stack Software Developer

London, UK

Elias Bui eliasbui
(๑`^`๑) ︻デ═一 👮‍♀️ bruh bruh lmao

Freelancer Hà Nội, Việt Nam

Brian Okanga brianokanga
Software developer | C# | ASP.NET Core | SQL | JavaScript | Azure


zgm zgm888

凯捷咨询(中国) 北京

Nishant Banjade Nix-code
💻 Software Engineer at Ellucian | ❤️ C#, .NET, JS, TS, ❄ React, SQL, Docker👨‍💻

Ellucian Bangalore, India

Supreeth Raghuprakash Vasisht UgraNarasimha
Senior Software Developer Siemens Berlin

Siemens Berlin

Atul Kamble atulkamble
Cloud Solutions Architect | AWS Certified | 5× Microsoft Azure | DevOps | RHEL | Corporate Trainer | Technical Reviewer ☁🐳⎈🚢🐧 💻

Sevenmentor, Learnomate, Cloudnautic, Packt, MIT-WPU Pune, IN

Faruk Erat FarukErat
If human can, then so can other machines.
Monshanto monshanto
Code is poetry

@Xperture @XpertureGraphicStudio Mohali

View View12138
.NET Developer


zxyao zxyao145
Non-course programmers, .NET/C# developer, full-stack web developer. I like "not engaging in honest work", and doing something fun.


Weihan Li WeihanLi
.NET Software Development Engineer

null Shanghai, China

Mihir Patel Mihir-Fluxbyte
Fullstack developer
RHQYZ fudiwei
This city always got a promise for you. Might be an illusion. But it's there, just around the corner, keeps you going. It's city dreams, and I'm a big dreamer.

Arasaka Corporation Night City

Vitalii sonne118
.net,t-sql,pg-sql, c/c++, js, python

Luxoft Kyiv

JayChou mymuse77
Live NanJing

Part Time WuHan

parsa panahpoor parsapanahpoor
Forever Student

Faramoj sari