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Steven Steven-meta
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look into the abyss, the abyss also looks into you.
Purnachander Reddy purnareddy07
Whatever It Takes ..!

United States

JS JStk-Dev
A programmer who supports open source. I write code for fun. I like to watch science fiction movies and I make music as a hobby.

JS Somewhere in America.

oplad oplad

OPlad Wuhan

Santiago Mota santiagomota
Freelance Data Scientist | Big Data Professor at UCM and UNED | Kaggle Master

Freelance Madrid (Spain)

Fatih Sogukpinar fspinar

Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis St. Louis, MO

Quyet Nguyen huuquyet
I'm slow, lazy and useless

Da Nang, Vietnam

guo guangyao Alfrredgy
a student from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences


andy AndyFHAF

中国 天津

Marlene Bültemann marlenebuelt

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Berlin

Lawrence R. Vann floer1564licosy
Lawrence R. Vann Through perseverance many people win success out of what seemed destined to be certain failure.

955 Valley Lane Austin, TX 78701

MoZu MengZhu001
- Earth Online Player - A student of CS - Electronic amateurs - Amateur radio player


Kun-Lin Lee LeeKLTW
NLP Engineer

Taipei, Taiwan

Deshapathi Akash dark-syndrome
hello, world! My name is Akash and I am a student and an aspiring programmer. I hope all of us can get along well and I get to be a programmer.


Victor oferonmi
Interests: Learning and autonomous systems, Federated compute and services architectures, Semiconductors and Embedded, Wireless/RF systems, EDA & CAD/M


Ludger Starke LudgerS
Studied Physics at HU Berlin (Bachelor) and FU Berlin (Master). Currently PhD student working on signal processing and data analysis for MRI.

Max Delbrück Center Berlin, Berlin Ultrahigh Field Facility Berlin, Germany

btwl q2333gh
good morning🌅, good afternoon🚴 and good night✨. btwl stands for Wulong tea brew with dry white peach
Leila Zanoni LleilaA13
2nd year student at Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at Sapienza University of Rome