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Naisha Sinha naishasinha
Software Engineer | Open-Source | AI

Seattle, WA

Takk™ Innovate Studio Takk8IS
The pioneering agency in Marketing, Design, Management, and Technology, featuring a team composed of AI personas.

Takk™ Innovate Studio Web3

Nəriman Məmmədli nemoralis
20 • Backend Developer

Baku, Azerbaijan

蔡豐澤 evo938jacky

Lalamove 新北市

Fred Alberto Rojas-Machu ScorpiusDraconis83
Security and tech software AI networking Technologist development API -CLI individual licensed App audience marketing developer.

@16CentAstrology Inc. Elliot Lake

Chikita Isaac chikitai
New developer

Cash app United States

Pascal KOTTE Pascal-KOTTE
Ethicien digital réducteur de fractures numériques Animateur Tech4good Suisse romande, entre autres..., Switzerland (French part)

Tony tony-cxs


ali omar mohamed aliomarmohamed
hello, this is Ali a Front engineer


yunchi yunchipang
/yoon-chee/ - comp sci @northeastern

San Francisco Bay Area

@montyc666 montyc123
trying to learn

customer service 4 all Wilmington, Delaware

Surendra Kumar C c-surendra-kumar
A Coding Enthusiast who wants to innovate new ideas and execute them through Software
romanhamraz romanhamraz

Afghanistan Mazar Sharif

Chris (Gentle) Y杨 node
Focus on tech leadership, open source, Platform Engineering

公众号:@数理话 SciBuzz @平台工程洞察 Shenzhen, China

The Alpha Nabil-Alsaiad
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله

@SGN-SA Malaysia

Muhammad Qaisar IamMQaisar
Data Engineer | Backend - Django Nodejs | Open-Source

The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Bahawalnagar, Pakistan

Hervy Qurrotul Ainur Rozi hervyqa
Data Enthusiast, Tech Writer & Creator LangitKetujuh OS. Deprecated account. Move to Sourcehut

Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo University Mojokerto, Indonesia.

Shivam ShivamAhir
Ex-Intern @hsbc and TA at coding ninjas ||Full stack Web and React native App developer|| NIT Kurukshetra

HSBC Bengaluru

Phillip Ross II philliprossii
Cybersecurity Certified. Blockhain development. Java, C++

Crescent city

Inonehp inonehp
My interests are web design and coding.


i.am_pi3 MissLov3ly
Lov3Ly_THATs_m3 on a road to discovery.. excited about Web3 and all of the wonderful things we can do with it. Definitely interested in collaboration as well

@pieface.lovely_iG *~WonderLand~*

isabel k. lee isabelxklee
~*~sweet, technological baby with a magic bag~*~

somewhere on the east coast

Sujal Kumar sujalkumarchoudhary
I have a keen interest in coding and programming. Dreaming through computers.
Kica Ggixix
Political Internet

Internet Poker 中國國家

Daniel Rosehill danielrosehill
Tech interests: Linux and open source; backup and disaster recovery (esp. using optical media); home automation and Home Assistant. Always learning.

DSR Holdings Jerusalem