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Michkael Baker MichkaelBaker

Blue Voice Enterprises Portland OR

Shimmer timsandgren
Social scientist, mystic and independent researcher
Chris at Milieu milieuChris
Software products, services, and architecture @milieu-us.

Milieu Santa Monica, CA


Word FX Vermont

Nick Weiner ottendorfcipher
It's just codes

Louisville, KY

Lawrence Ip nodepunk
I node, you node, they node, we know'd. Everything is a node, with tail telling tales.

nodepunk Melbourne, Australia

Luke Stanley lukestanley
I love literate code, especially a good bit of Python. I like the openness and simplicity.


λ Rüzgar Imski mondano
bringing things into being that did not exist before...

@semioverse swarm

Brendan A. Miller bmiller59
Promoting digital democracy and civil rights online, and a healthier social media experience for all.

Applied Social Media Lab, BKC at Harvard University Los Angeles, CA

mdheller mdheller
Academic background in Quant. Finance with technical competency in Analytics, Big Data, Knowledge Management, Risk Management, and Systems Architecture & Design

@IBM @SocioProphet Planet Earth

Uwe Andreas Neumann uwenohg
Born in Germany in 1963, grown up in Lima, Peru and Milan, Italy, actually living in Düsseldorf, Germany

Neumann OHG Düsseldorf

Wesley Finck weswalla
Life is practice for death.

Vancouver, BC