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Matthew Waddington MatthewWaddington
Legislative drafter interested in "Rules as Code"

Legislative Drafting Office, States of Jersey Jersey (original, not New)

Ashley Poole Pooleyo
I am a data scientist at the Cabinet Office.

York, UK.

Thri AbacusBoi
Art Director - Techno shaman
Kenny Ward kennyward
Frontend Software Engineer

@Assetnest London, UK

`{3rd: "Beedell", 1st: "Roke"}`{.JSON5} RokeJulianLockhart <!-- -->

`Invoke-WebRequest -URI '' | ConvertFrom-JSON | Select-Object -ExpandProperty organization`{.PS1}

decause-gov decause-gov
Open Source Lead, @CMSgov


Diarmuid Lloyd dplloyd
I don't look like the photo anymore.
Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Peter Giathi pkiragu
Aspiring software developer
Sravan Jinna jinnashravan

Zening It Limited Aylesbury

paul paulc-dstl
geospatial | geosemantics | geomatics


Milkii Brewster mxmilkiib
Interested in [Arch btw] Linux, music, dancing, drumming, festival work, actually free/open systems, data portability, DAW-less, reducing information asymmetry.

Edinburgh, UK

Stephen Abbott Pugh StephenAbbott
Head of technology, Open Ownership

@openownership Harare, Zimbabwe

Fiona Wiggins Fiona-1981
42 is the answer


Connor O'Shaughnessy Connor-OS

Associate Consultant at Version 1 Newcastle upon Tyne

Em cyberdudeuk
Cabinet Office | Central Digital and Data Office | Data Strategy & Standards - Data Asset Management

@alphagov London

Jacob Woffenden jacobwoffenden
platform engineering at @ministryofjustice

@ministryofjustice UK

Cameron Cowen milkyware
UK-based .NET integration and DevOps developer
Charlie Hird cjhird
Software Engineer

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

sp//dr Geeblack


Jason duckworthj39
I'm a polyglot developer that enjoys using any tech to solve interesting problems.

125West Software