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Frank Corona Prendes frankdavidcorona
Hi, my name is Frank Corona, Father, Husband & Computer Science Engineer, experienced in Finance, Medical, and HR industries. Propelling digital innovation.

Sam Systems Montevideo, Uruguay

Ben Hayden deybhayden
☁️ Developer

@SurtonInc Springfield, MO, USA

向往世间所有的美好 自律及自由的生活

oppo ShenZhen,China

Felipe 'Campeiro' Mamede mamede

Gama, Distrito Federal - Brasil

GooYoung gooyoung

@吹纸科技 wuhan

Gabriel Mazieri gmdias727
Software engineer journey:
Lucas Zarandón lucaszhh
programo con react y amo typescript y css, soy tallerista en dos escuelitas copadas en donde enseño a programar en nivel inicial y superior!

Casa del futuro - Conectar LAB Mendoza Mendoza, Argentina

Pablo Hdez pheralb
⚡ Building amazing things.


Chris Yang ysm-dev
Product Engineer
Matias Mortara AxiomaAbsurdo

SSA & TL at DualBoot Partners Montevideo, Uruguay

Ignas Bernotas ignasbernotas
Software Engineer



Stack Inc Japan

Daniel Bayley danielbayley
Animotion/graphic designer and full stack developer hybrid. Prolific open source hacker. Long Web3, short banks.


John Mark Bodegas JMBodz

RapidSignal Electronics Philippines

Danko DankoLiv

Student Argentina

Will Alread willalread

@kratoform Houston, TX

Romulus Hill romulushill
Developer of most disciplines. Full Stack (web), Software, Network, API's, Language Packages. MastoWrapper Developer + Owner


ywsrock ywsrock
👋 happy and joyful life!


23333333 Nunchakus888
Where there is a code, there is a bug~


ArcherGu ArcherGu
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

vrlrv anywhere

Vlad Poluch vlapo

ZWIZU Bratislava, Slovakia

Ryota Sakurai nkzsdy
Software Developer / Web Backend, Android App

Tokyo, Japan

Omid Shabab omidshababdev
Fullstack Developer 🚀 NextJS, Flutter, TypeScript, tRPC, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB Earth

Taha Amin Ghafuri [T@G] tahaghafuri
@php(@laravel),C & C++ & C# & @python Developer & Go,Devops specialist

Private Iran

Surjendu surjendu104
Still exploring my interest
Felipe Sant'Anna Santannafe12
Project Director at Code Empresa Junior de Computação. Fullstack Developer.

Code Empresa Jr. de Computação Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais.

Eduardo Lima Limaeduardo7

Lynx Analytics Caxias do Sul, RS

Martin Salo salomartin
Building AI to give everyone the ability to eat well every day. Co-Founder & CTO @yummyshop. Previously co-founded @Realeyes.

@yummyshop London

Mohamad J. Makki mjmk3
Developer \\ Java\Spring | Golang\Gin-Gonic | MySQL-PostgreSQL-Oracle

Istanbul, Turkey

Nikita Rokotyan rokotyan
Science + Art + Tech = Data Vis

@interacta-io San Francisco

Tony Thai trungthaihieu93-dev
Developer, Dreamer and Doer!

Innovation Labs Vietnam