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Benoît Vernay benoitvernay
R&D Engineer / Technology consultant


Stev Leibelt stevleibelt Observable Universe/Local Superclusters/Laniakea Supercluster/Local Galactic Group/Milky Way Galaxy/Solar Interstellar Neighborhood/Solar System/Earth/Europe/Germany/Saxony/(großen Kreis-, Unesco-Weltkultur-, Silber-, Berg- und Universitätsstadt) Freiberg


St. Petersburg

Gabriel H. Nunes nunesgh
Cotutelle Doctoral candidate in Computer Science at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil, and at Macquarie University, Australia.

Sydney, NSW, Australia

Ricki Hirner rfc2822
Working on many things, mainly DAVx⁵. 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️

@bitfireAT Austria