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MD FARHAD HOSSAIN cryptosniperbd1
Cryptobd247 CEO, Traders,Social infuencer,Airdrop Hunter And Gitcoin donar
Jeffrey Lovett Ugottaloveiteth
Verified creator and Developer on Desofy
Jiro Matsumoto codeninja819
Web3 or Nothing

Qitmeer Network Tokyo, Japan

Shaurya Swarup ShauryaSwarup
General Secretary - @CommunityOfCoders | Upcoming Summer Intern @jpmorganchase | Full-stack Dev | TypeScript NextJS Lover

Community Of Coders VJTI

Nadav Ye yena1989
Crypto trader and coder
Karding sukit luste21
MyeongjunChae MyeongjunChae
Chris Ward calmrat
Dev Advocate

Calmratx Crypto Brno, Czech Republic

Dione Bastos Dione-b
Olá! 👋 me chamo Dione, um entusiasta da tecnologia apaixonado por Blockchain e Inteligência Artificial.


Haruki Kondo mashharuki
ブロックチェーン関連技術について勉強中。学生時代はヨット部に所属しており4年間江ノ島の海で活動していました。 情報処理安全確保支援士 第022981号


Daniel Ibok CodeRunne
Hi 🖐, I'm a backend developer 💻. contact me:

Lagos | uyo

Mulili Nzuki mul1sh
I looove coding is all 😄

Mulish Games Nairobi

Mohamed Taoufik TEKAYA MohamedTaoufik
Software engineer who is passionate by digital arts, "2d-3d" animation process and audio-visual special effects "VFX" for the media and video game industries.

StartUp-SME: Horizons Software Solutions Tunisia-Sousse

BOHDAN Biloonov
Nguyen Phi Truong truongnguyenptn
I'm a tech lover, I'm always push my self to the next level. I have skill in web development including frontend, backend, managing VPS and cloud.

Enouvo IT Solutions Danang

nathfavour nathfavour
Freelance, open source dev🤓...Lifelong learner💯


Anna ten Bensel atenbensel
I like to build things and teach other people about it.

Williams-Sonoma Inc. Atlanta, Georgia

Savvy savvycodings
(New github) Navigating code realms with precision and sharing insights. *2nd Profile*
refcell refcell


DaveN xDaveN
New account. Old repos deleted. If you need support on my old stuff, feel free to contact me. Encrypt using my old PGP key (not the new one) if related.
Orpheus Lummis orpheuslummis
public-interest technologist
Cyril cyrilevos

@marigold-dev @ligolang @katvio Mempool