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Geovanny Mesa GAMG-94
Software developer from Bogotá Colombia

Bogotá - Colombia

Elderov Ali WuglyakBolgoink
Angular Developer

adesso SE Munich

4n6Lee 4n6Lee
I am a InfoSec Analyst that focuses on Security Automation Engineering with Python and PowerShell
Len lenhosseini
💻 Software Developer @adessoSE

@adessoSE Stuttgart, Germany

Jakub Gania jakubgania

Dortmund, Germany

Relluem94 Relluem94
Developer - Java, PHP, Go, Typescript (Angular), Node.js, MySQL, MongoDB, Shell

@Relluem94s @adessoSE Mannheim

Pappuraj Bhottacharjee PAPPURAJ

Project2Morrow Consultancy Services Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Sebastian Gabriel Trzpiot trzpiot
👨‍💻 Back End (Java, Rust) | 👾 Game Development (Godot) | ❄️ GNU/Linux, NixOS, Nix | 🏓 Table Tennis, Biking, Cooking

Volkswohl Bund Versicherungen Germany

Rajashekhar zlr-raja
I, Rajashekhar A, am an Associate Architect at ZelarSoft with over 12 years of experience in full-stack engineering and UI/UX development.


Marvin Schlegel cybniv
Still 🩵 UNIXoids

@adessoSE Earth

Lucien fanto237

Bremen, Germany

Abdulrahman Abou Adla aabouadla
Senior Software Engineer @ adesso SE

adesso SE Germany

Manuel Sawade manuelsawade

adesso SE Dortmund, Germany

André Bindewald tiwood
Cloud Solution Architect & DevOps Engineer

@Union-Investment Germany

Ives Laaf dalini

@adesso-as-a-service Karlsruhe, Germany

Patrick Lam zidizei

@adessoSE Germany

Igor Besel iGore

Essen, Germany

Ahmad Ahmad1993Aj
Intelligent Systems as a Master's student at Westphalian University of Applied Sciences in Bocholt, and I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Eng.


Tobias Struckmeier tobmaster
Software engineer that likes hacking on stuff. I am most proficient in PHP and JavaScript/TypeScript but open to everything.


Markus Herzog markusherzog

adesso SE Berlin, Germany

Simon Stemper sypste

@adessoSE Dortmund

Nicklas Wiegandt Nicklas2751
MediathekView maintainers & developer


Gert Glatz glatzg
I am a life long learner and a practicing software craftsman.

adesso SE Munich, Germany

Panagiotis Doulgeris Pantastisch
👨🏻‍💻 SW Engineer. Loves tinkering with Arduino, ESP8266 and Raspberry Pi.

@adessoSE Dortmund, Germany

Vladyslav vlady5lav
Science & Tech Enthusiast

Hobbyist Developer & System Administrator Andromeda Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster, Laniakea Supercluster

Robin Beier rbeier
Senior Frontend developer based in Leipzig, Germany.


Bohdan Kulichievskyi bodkul
Software Developer

@adessoSE Germany

Marco Achilles M-Achilles
Developer in the .Net ecosystem

Hannover, Germany