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Kerim Kaan kerimkaan
Backend & IoT

İstanbul, Turkey

Özgür Cansız freecnsz
CSE Student at Akdeniz University


Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Sarvesh M Savaliya sarveshhh-m
Developing Mobile Apps


Bedirhan Tonğ bedirhantong
Software Engineer CSE 3/4 Akdeniz

@akdenizcse Antalya

Abdullah Velioğlu abdvel
data engineer @Trendyol * formerly @volesportsocial

Trendyol Istanbul

Buğra Balkaç bugrabalkac

Trendyol İstanbul,Turkey

Melek Şimal Ünsal msimalunsal
a computer engineering student who loves coding and interested with the technologies

Ege University İzmir

Muhammed Said Kaya muhammedsaidkaya
Cloud Software Engineer

Picus Security Ankara / TURKEY

Gökalp Meriç gokalpmeric
Devops System Architect
İsmet Onur ŞAHİN ismetonursahin
Hey! My name is İsmet Onur. I am a graduate of Samsun University Construction Technology. I am training at Patika+ Fullstack Developer Bootcamp.

Arhavi / ARTVİN

Kamilcan Çelik kmlcnclk
I am a Full Stack Developer. I am interested in React JS, Next JS, TypeScript, Node JS, Express JS and other JavaScript Technologies.


Ufuk Uzun ufuk

Istanbul, Turkey

M. Bertan Tarakçıoğlu BertanT
18, Stevens Institute of Technology CS, Three-time Swift Student Challenge Winner, Apple Developer, Maker, MUN Delegate and a Huge Cat Lover!

CS@Stevens Institute of Technology New York Metropolitan Area

Nida Başer nidabaser
MSc. Computer Science | Java Backend Developer | Spring Boot | ORM | OOP | JPA | Hibernate

Eskişehir, Türkiye

Usama Sayed osamasayed585
I'm interested in creating high-quality Apps, and I always try to learn new tools that improve my work

Lnj Egypt

Asım Odabaş asimodabas
Fırat University - Computer Engineer


İsa Nezih Sayılırbaş Nezolas
I enjoy creating products from scratch. I believe that knowledge grows as it is shared. Feel free to get in touch with me anytime.


samet sametcn99
I am a junior web developer interested in Next.js, UI/UX design, backend technologies.

localhost:3000 Ankara, Turkey

Beril Gökçe Çiçek gokcecicek
Software Developer

@Trendyol İzmir

Hasan Turgut turguthasan
Software Engineer


Hirad Rasoolinejad Hiiirad
DevSecOps Engineer | eBPF and XDP | Cyber Security Researcher | Telco Cloud | Rust | Open Source Contributor
Abdullah Kabak abdullahkabakk
Computer Engineering Student | Frontend Developer @degerse

@degerse İzmir / Turkey

Bahadır A. Güder wynioux
iOS Developer @Trendyol

@Trendyol Istanbul, Turkey

Ömer Çalışkan omerclskn
Student in Yıldız Technical University, Computer Engineering

Trendyol Group İstanbul

Data Scientist @getir

@getir Turkey