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Nicholas Resendez nirholas
be kind and spread knowledge

Los Angeles, CA

Jiro Matsumoto codeninja819
Web3 or Nothing

Qitmeer Network Tokyo, Japan

Tamjid tamjid0x01
SmartContracts Security Research. Love hacking for more secure Web3.

@AIT-s | @code-423n4 | @sherlock-audit | @immunefi-team | @WhiteHatDAO Web3

bloc13k bloc13k
blockchain developer
Paolo Diomede pdiomede
Community Relations at @graphprotocol

The Graph Foundation Rome, Italy

Jesse Lucus jesse-lucus
Passionate about blockchain technologies
Khelil khelil
Creative Geek, Tech Lead & Full-Stack Developer.

Freelance Nantes, FRANCE

Tom tomuky
Ethereum is the world's immutable digital vending machine.
Nwankwo Victory Victorydev5
I am really passionate about the Blockchain space and the technology that is hidden from the rest of the world. Am currently learning java


Evan Mullins ecmulli
Data Scientist M.S. Operations Research