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Abhinay Lunawat abhinay5993


Adarsh Gupta Adarshagupta
Create intelligent systems, design algorithms, innovate.

LigentAI Mumbai

Alexis Pineda Lexpeee
Software Engineer


Reet Batra reetbatra

Incresco Bangalore, India

Athul Nambiar athul-22

Tesa Labs | Blu Labs | Social Space Bangalore

Count&on&me cedev935
Full Stack - Websites | Mobile Applications | Software Engineer | AI/ML expert

Self Employment Home

Jyotirmay Chowdhury Jyotirmay-Chowdhury
Hi, My self is Jyotirmay Chowdhury a computer Science Guy. React.js Developer Aspirants. OCI - Certified DevOps Engineer.


Chris-Jnr Nwabudike Chris-JnrN
Lover of Tech and Anything Computer ✌️ Looking forward to grasping and digesting the full ideas AI, ML and Future Technologies have to offer..

Ekensloaded INC. Dutsinma, Katsina State, Nigeria

vienues vienues
Software Engineer
Solomon TechyCredeski
A F.E Software Engineer turning the web into a playground of interactive experiences.

Freelance On a Spaceship

Rohan Rohhaannn
A passionate Web, front-end and MERN stack developer from India.


Sambhav Gandhi geeky-sambhav
Fullstack Developer | Books | Startups
Vladyslav vlady5lav
Science & Tech Enthusiast

Hobbyist Developer & System Administrator Andromeda Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster, Laniakea Supercluster

Krishnesh Chaurasia Krishx17
Have been in love with technology since childhood , Played around with Software and Hardware of electronic devices 📱💻 , Pursuing B.Tech in C.S.E to decorate t

Lovely Professional University Chaheru, Phagwara, Punjab, India

Full Stack Web and Mobile Engineer webtalent0125
Full Stack Developer | web | Android | IOS | Blockchain
Adil Sheikh adilcodes
MERN Stack Developer & Mentor | Obsessed to learn new Technologies and build innovative stuff using code. I share useful content on Instagram.


Aditya Soni adityanithariya

Freelancer Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

Rajeeb Kumar Malik rajeebkm
Senior Blockchain Engineer | Nethermind | Smart Contract Security | Open Protocol | Institute Medal Winner

@NethermindETH Bangalore, India

Laura Bigoni LauraBigoni
Frontend developer @whip-live · Ex Boolean student class #52

@whip-live Arezzo

Lokesh Arora lokesharora006
Android App Developer


Shipra Kushwaha Shipkush7
Exploring in the field of Open Source | MERN Stack Developer | DSA | Leetcoding | Learn in Public #Consistency!! Contributor @Hacktoberfest

Madhav Institute of Technology and Science Gwalior Madhya Pradesh

Sojin Samuel sojinsamuel
Building the future, one React component at a time. Nextjs Developer @innotekhq

@innotekhq Kerala, India

Shining Moon shining-moon-dev
A perfect plan makes me perfect.
Arup Mahato arupx3492
Java Backend Developer

Masai School Purulia, West Bengal, India

TechTronix TechTronixx
Developer with a passion for design and a love for creating software with technology. Always learning and looking for new opportunities to grow.
Gustavo H. J. MrNullus
I am passionate and lover of the most beautiful liberal art that has ever been created: programming, the one that everyone should know.


ML ijkml
Hi, Moses Laurence, a (mostly front-end) developer and open-source enthusiast.

Pluto Pluto

이준헌 leejoonhun


Klaus, building & breaking since (2k16)-1, Lord of the Seven OSI Layers and Protector of the realm.

Secuna 9.83987, 122.37940

Namra Ishrat KairoQalb
Python | R | SQL | Kotlin | IT Automation | Data Science | Cyber Security | JavaScript | HTML | CSS | Student | Techie | Writer


John Magdy Lotfy Kamel Zorono
Founder and CEO of @BrownTurbo | interested in Multipurpose Programming and Gaming

@BrownTurbo Egypt, Alexandria

Satya Sai Nandigam SatyasaiNandigam
Software Developer @Altumind | Open source enthusiast


Dibyarup Nath dibyarupnath
B.Tech CSE - Final Yr. Undergrad | AI/ML Enthusiast

@NeuralXI India