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Lesley Duff dataquine
Senior developer now seeking employment in data related role. Graduate of @codeclan DR22 cohort in Professional Data Analysis.

Glasgow, Scotland

Kushaan Gupta kushaangupta
finding my way

University of Lethbridge Lethbridge, Alberta

Sergio Montalvo Vargo Serge-Vargo
Math and Electronics Enthusiast. Currently pursuing a PhD at CMU.
erdost erdosty
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellow

Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems Stuttgart, Germany

Sury Jinghui Geng surygeng

University of California, Santa Cruz

Aixia SONG IveySong

Chinese Institute for Brain Research Beijing

minhye Choo-Minhye
Hello I'm Minhye.😉

IMS Lab, MDIC Pohang

Muad Abd El Hay hummuscience
PostDoc at the ZeroNoise lab @ ESI Frankfurt

Frankfurt, Germany

Adam Tyson adamltyson
Neuroscientist and software developer

@SainsburyWellcomeCentre London

skyetomez skyetomez
Purple White


Joscha Schmiedt joschaschmiedt
Research Software Engineer

Bremen, Germany

Kareem Hussein khussein7
Engineer. Explorer. [Insert 3rd cool thing!]
Domokos Meszéna meszena
Neuroscientist w/ engineering background

MGH - HarvardMed Boston / Budapest

Xulu Sun xlsun79
Postdoctoral researcher, Frank lab @ UCSF Former Ph.D student, Shenoy lab @ Stanford
Scott Sawchuk nrsc
Cellular electrophysiologist, data scientist, and traveler interested in the ways with which we occupy space.

Allen Brain Institute Seattle, WA

Marco Ghislieri marcoghislieri
Assistant Professor @PolitoBIOMed Lab of Politecnico di Torino. Ph.D. @university of Turin. Biomedical Eng. MSc @Politecnico di Torino.

Politecnico di Torino Turin, Italy

Michael Zabolocki mzabolocki
Electrophysiologist, Neuroscientist, Data Scientist.

IMBA Vienna, Austria

JaerongA JaerongA
Data Engineer | computational neuroscience

DataJoint Houston

Yule YuleYu
Cyborg Intelligence rookie


Aaron Benson Wong Enakcihc
Neuroscientist by trade. Hobby programmer. Professional profile: @aaronbwong
Pongsakorn Wechakarn peachiia
a hype-driven developer who loves to learn a wide range of things, from UX/UI to bitwise operations. :P

BCI Lab, Mahidol University Thailand

Praveen Paudel PraPaudel
Ph.D. Student @ayalab1 | Systems Neuroscience

Cornell University Ithaca, New York