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Pooja Algikar apooja1
PhD candidate at virginia tech researching uncertainty quantification, robust estimation, Gaussian processes, and Koopman operator

Blacksburg, VA

Maura Dewey mauradewey
PhD student in Meteorology at Stockholm University, interested in ML applications for climate modeling.

Stockholm University Sweden


SungKyunKwan University Suwon, Korea

Tamilselvan Arjunan tamilselvanarjun
Senior Software Engineer

UST India

Rashin Gholijani Farahani Rashiin
Computer Engineering student with a focus on front-end web design and development. Boasts 1+ year of project experience, complemented by teaching at Tehran Tech

Tehran Institute of Technology / Azad University Tehran

Timoteo Dinelli tdinelli
Ph.D. candidate at Politecnico di Milano (Italy).

Politecnico di Milano, @CRECKMODELING Palo Alto, CA

Jiangyan Zhao Jiangyan-Zhao
Ph.D. Student in Statistics

East China Normal University Shanghai, China

Cemlyn cemlyn007
Machine Learning Engineer | MSc AI Imperial College London

@instadeepai London

jiahong li jiahongljh
I am now a lecturer mayoring in machine learning, self-driving car and robotics, received doctoral degree in control theory and machine learning.

@Lboro-CS Beijing, China

Elias Catrix CatrixElias
PhD student at INRS-EMT

Institut National de la recherche scientifique Montréal, Canada

Alan Lujan alanlujan91
Visiting Assistant Research Professor, Department of Economics, Johns Hopkins University. Core developer @econ-ark.

Johns Hopkins University Rockville, MD

YoungDon Choi DavidChoi76
Principle Researcher in K-water (Korea Water Resources Corporation)

K-water Daejeon, South Korea

Ivan Genik ivgnk
Senior Researcher, Laboratory of geopotential fields, Mining Institute. Associate Professor, Department of Geophysics, Perm State National Research University

Mining Institute Perm, Russia

PhiOfX PhiOfX
Φ(χ) software adventures


Beka Kakachia Kakachia777
"Embracing the winds of innovation, I code the future with algorithms and data, where imagination converges with reality."✨📈 🤖Kakachia777


Mohammad Hosein Jafari jafariai
im a AI student and web development . i have big dreams so do it with AI . moreover im a image processor . as well as i am a Teacher Assistant in Anformathic .
Akib Zaman akibzaman
PhD Student | Robotics & Geometry Processing

MIT Cambridge, MA, USA

GuoQiang_Fu GuoQiang-Fu
Ph.D. Candidate at SLDRCE, Tongji University.

Tongji University Shanghai, China.

Guglielmo Cerri GuglielmoCerri
Data scientist and Bioinformatician.

Cogentech Italy

Teaysway YimingShu-teay
Mphil Candidate at The University of HongKong (HKU), Graduated with a Bachelor's degree from HIT(WH).
Xuan xuannadi

Freelance The world

Francesco Nobili FraNob
Astrophysics PhD student

University of Insubria Como, Italy

Anderson Chaves apachaves
Smart manufacturing. Loves Python and Bayesian statistics.

Paris, France