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Suraj ghishadow
Hai Zhu haiszhu
CCM @flatironinstitute good good study, day day up...

Flatiron Institute New York

RetroFan90 RetroFan90
I Like To Fiddle around with Computers and Game Consoles To Learn how they work :)

Self-Employed Canada

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Phoenix Phoenix8215
Study like a dog, Play like a gentleman!❤️‍🔥

CASIA BeiJing China

chinangma chinangma
Software developer for data processing applications
Jingwen Zhang jaovers

中国石油大学(北京) 北京昌平

Lorenzo Campoli lkampoli
Research Fellow @unimelb

The University of Melbourne Melbourne

CoderPanda data-panda

Eindhoven University of Technology Pune

Pierre Kestener pkestene
Research engineer in High Performance Computing and embedded systems

CEA France

CPC Group CompPhotoChem
This is the official repository of the CPC (Computational PhotoChemistry Group) led by Dr. Carolin Müller.

FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg Erlangen

Jordy Homing Lam jhmlam
Structure Enthusiast 🇭🇰

Hong Kong

Ph.D. student in Computational Science and Engineering, researching GPU-accelerated preconditioners and solvers for sparse linear problems, M.Sc. in physics.

ZITI, Heidelberg U Heidelberg, Germany

Cumhur Erkut cerkut
I work at @SMC-AAU-CPH

Sound and Music Computing, Aalborg University Copenhagen Copenhagen, Denmarlk

sameeranjoshi Sameeranjoshi
PhD student

University of Utah Salt Lake City, USA

Embedded Stack Enthusiasm Medium:

Tuni Tampere, Finland

Steven Dake sdake
Artificial Wisdom™ Cloud Platform.     The easy way to run machine learning.

@computelify Scottsdale, AZ

Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior security researcher, compiler/binary hacker, NFC ninja, hardware hacker with a FPGA hammer. Previously Pay Security.

Lafayette, Indiana

Kristof Katus katusk
Runner, hiker, board gamer, and software developer.

@memoQ Budapest, Hungary

yuzeng yuzeng2333
PhD candidate at Princeton University
Kürşat Yurt kursatyurt
Computational Science & Engineering student @ TUM


Seyed Alireza Ghasemi alirezagh76

University of Paderborn Paderborn, Germany

Ashish Nayak ash399
Project Engineer
Saeed Bohloul sbohloul
Physicist, Scientific Computing, High Performance Computing

Nanoacademic Technologies Montreal, Canada

Brunno Goldstein bfgoldstein
SW @ OctoML 🐙

OctoML Seattle

Michele Martone michelemartone
Author of the FIM image viewer and the LIBRSB "Sparse BLAS" library for sparse matrices

Leibniz Supercomputing Centre Germany

Shreya Kapoor ShreyaKapoor18
PhD student at Cognitive Computer Vision Lab, FAU| Former Research Scientist @SkeideLab | M.Sc. Life Science Informatics | B.Sc. (H) Physics

Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Erlangen, Germany

Like Xu lkml-likexu
A linux kernel developer, focusing on performance (w/ monitorability, w/ debuggability, w/ scalability, w/ power efficiency).

Tencent Cloud Shanghai, China

Hax HiWiSciFi
Just a lazy programmer.
