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Slipstream slipstream8125
Just a simple man making his way through the galaxy
Aerospace Engineer

KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm

Rahul Gorai RahulGorai0206
I will be the strongest that you ever knew

@Project-Elixir @Ancient-Roms Bishnupur, West Bengal

Leonardo F. dos Santos qleonardolp
Mechatronic Engineer [BSc '21]. PhD student interested on robotic impedance control and control systems.

@leggedrobotics-usp, @Brazilian-Institute-of-Robotics Salvador, BA

Zahran Ansaria imannig
Retarded on android stuff, I'm just kid who doesn't know anything.

Sewa badut Jabodetabek Bogor, Indonesia

Bjpafa bjpafa
Drifter by nature never stops never looks attentively never resist to frustration. Well, kind of.
