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Christopher Lanuza calanuzao
Experienced Brand Analyst adept in record production, media production, cybersecurity, and audio programming.


A csu student who likes music technology, learns DAFX and develops synthesizers and effects.


Darrell Roberts D-J-Roberts
A Student of C++, Audio Software Development & Digital Audio Signal Processing. IPlug, JUCE & Qt.

Hebden Bridge, UK

Vincent Cusson VincentCusson
Audio creative technologist

Montréal, Canada

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Mr.GoodBudd theyWhoes
real working Versatile Artist, freelancer...

Georgia USA


Native Instruments

MAPKIN nampingg
MAPKIN name of two brothers who fascinated with electronic dance music. Member are consist of Mark (Producer) And Ping (DJ) are KINship, since 2017.

MAPKIN Thailand

Giulia GhostyJade

@ApathicGames Brescia, Italy

Johan, Axel REMILIEN johanremilien
Software Development Engineer Qt | C++ | QML

Freelance Spain

Zahra Aslani ni-zaslani

Native Instruments Berlin

Frank Mohaupt ni-fmohaupt

Native Instruments Langenfeld

Marco Witte ni-mwitte

Native Instruments Langenfeld

Tudor Croitoru IHorvalds
Film photography, guitar gear and C++ enthusiast
Otto trsctr
Learning. Hive Helsinki (42 network) student
Tuukka Tikanoja tikanoja
Budding soft dev currently studying at Hive Helsinki (École 42). 🐝 I like coding & chilling with my friends! :)


ars longa, vita brevis

Pete Brown Psychlist1972
Principal Engineer in Windows at Microsoft, working on MIDI & apps and technology for musicians. Windows Dev MVP lead. MIDI Association Executive Board Chair.

Microsoft Maryland

Trémus Tremus
audio, c/c++, other stuff

exacoustics Australia

Ibrahim ni-ijelliti


Backend developer, mobile app developer, musician, sound designer.


Jeremy Meyers jeremymeyers
Just a guy. Barely a coder. Sometimes will help with documentation or submit feature requests and bugs.

Atlanta, GA

Adrien Schuler ni-aschuler
Senior Data Engineer

@NativeInstruments Berlin

Pedro Magno Müller pmagnomuller
Send memes ;)

@ostrom Berlin

Yazawazi Yazawazi
Dressed in pajamas.

@Yazawazi Dream, Bed

Renato Longobardi renoiser
Senior Frontend and Interactive Developer
